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(AN: stay tuned for a special thing at the end of the chapter ;))

(AN: ew I have never typed out ';)' before and now I hate myself for it-)

~3rd person POV~

~1 week later- you now from last chapter- yeah uh I dunno~

After the cafe day everyone was very happy.

For good reason being that- you know the way maria and peggy became something kinda caused a mini fight between everyone.

why? You might ask, well here is the argument:

Who asked out who?

(AN: Hehe you know its funny because I have that question myself- like why couldn't a writer just write out a scene better and not like they are in a rush? Like are they SO lazy or in a rush? Like how stupid are they not to just add a few more words to explain their own question but no they have to wait for a reader to answer their own question- like how stupid is that? And why is the writer writing more of an AN than an answer to their own question? This writer person is sure kinda dumb. JUST WRITE OUT THE ANSWER WRITER-)

Some people say it was peggy because she asked her sisters to help her ask out maria but others say it was maria who asked out peggy because she actually asked under a dirty public table.

It doesn't really matter because everyone agrees they are the cutest thing.

"Look Ron" A cute little old woman whispered to this 'ron' person (her husband) and she pointed to maria and peggy walking holding hands. 

They weren't really going anywhere specific just walking out for the feeling of the cold NYC air.

"Aren't they just the cutest couple?" The little old woman smiled seeing her husband just nod before taking another picture of the campus with his professional looking camera.

(No worry not in a weird way! Just taking pictures for their granddaughter who's dream college was Kings :D)

Peggy heard the last part and almost exploded. She wanted that random woman to be her friend.

It started snowing a little bit and maria made peggy inside because if she didn't peggy would run around campus looking at the sky and probably trip on a child.

"Did you hear what an old lady said about us?!" Peggy jumped happily

"No? Should I know?" Maria asked slowly walking while taking her jacket off

Peggy nodded as fast just as fast as it took alex to write a proposal for when he proposes to john.

 "What did she say?" Maria asked 

"SHE SAID WE-" Peggy started yelling

"Peg shush- just tell me not the whole building." Maria covered her girlfriends mouth which peggy licked

"Oh my go-" Maria let her arm to drop and began wiped her hand on her jeans

"She said we were the cutest couple EVER." Peggy jumped again

Maria simply smiled and kissed peggy on her forehead

~Timeskip brought to you by the writers broken headphones~

They walked to their separate dorms after a few more minutes of talking.

While they were walking the speakers went on and someone started talking 


Even though maria and peggy were suppose to be walking to their dorms both of them jolted to where they saw the other walk. They wanted to see each others reaction.

~*~How one day changed them all~*~ (lams)Where stories live. Discover now