chapter one - wander

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(above is the actress who will be depicting bella makenna)

                           chapter 1

Today is the day. I finally go back to Hogwarts after the two months away for the Summer. My trunk was packed and ready to go. I was excited to be back, but I had a bad feeling about this year. Tensions have been rising in the Wizarding World and it's obviously not good in the slightest. I pull myself out of bed, tossing on my uniform but holding my robe over my forearm. My hair was a little messy from sleeping, so I played with it until it got where I wanted it. After brushing my teeth, I went downstairs. My owl, Clarity, was in her cage and brushing her beak along her white feathered wings. My family was well known in the Wizarding World, due to my brother, a famous Quidditch player for Ireland. He is a huge family oriented man, meaning he bought a nice manor for us and surprises me, his only sibling, with small gifts. The amount of chocolate frogs I have eaten in the past few years would shock you.

My mum came down the stairs after me,; my father following behind. They were beaming, even though the disappoint in their eyes still stings. My parents were Gryffindor, as well as my brother. I'm the outcast since I was sorted into Hufflepuff. Curse that damned hat!

"Good morning, sweet Bella. I see you're ready to go! We can head to the station in a few minutes, let me just make a quick cup of tea to bring," Mum said, beaming as she kissed the top of my head. She then hurried to the kitchen while my father and I sat together in a comfortable silence. He cleared his throat, getting ready to say what he always does.

"Make me pr-" "You proud, yes father, of course." He pulled me in a hug while chuckling softly. After a few moments, Mum came in and was ready to go. We packed everything into the car and headed out.

The drive was only twenty minutes and then I was standing at Platform 9 3/4; the steam from the train making a thick layer. I hugged my parents tightly, then walked towards my usual spot on the train. The air was thick, making it hard to see and I accidentally bumped into a group of three.

"I am so so so sorry! I could barely see and I didn't mean to run into you guys," I blurted out without hesitation. The smoke cleared slightly, revealing the trio to be Harry Potter, Hermoine Granger, and Ron Wesley. I would never say it out loud but I was envious that they went to Gryffindor. But, I guess, the Sorting Hat, knows better than anyone.

"Bella, right?" The girl with a head full of curls asked. I nodded then they introduced themselves to me and we started to head inside of the train, while continuing our conversations. A few steps in and I saw my fellow Hufflepuffs. I bid the three a goodbye, then went over to my group of friends and sat with them. They never failed to make me smile and laugh, showing off my deep dimples on both sides of my cheeks.

"Hi, guys! How was your break," I asked, fiddling with the gold gem that was attached to my necklace. My late friend, Cedric Diggory gifted me it on the night of the Yule Ball in our third year. I miss him everyday, but I knew he didn't die alone and that Harry was there to see his light fade. He was a hard loss for not only Hufflepuff, but Gryffindor and Ravenclaw as well. But, Ced made us very proud for his successes in the Triwizard Tournament.

The girls exchanged stories about their break, cracked jokes, and ate sweets from the cart that came by. I listened to their stories the best I could, but I still had that bad feeling in my chest. Something just isn't right this year. I snapped out of that daze when I saw the glow of the castle from the window. Finally home. We spent the rest of the night at the feast, watching the sorting, and putting our trunks in our rooms. After, we went to the common room until it was time for bed. The usual first day back tradition.

𓆚 Draco Malfoy𓆚

I woke up in a sour mood, bags and dark circles distracting from my grey eyes. I can't believe I have to go back to bloody Hogwarts, knowing I must complete the given task for the Dark Lord. I have no desire to go back and deal with the other houses aside from my own. Angrily, I threw on my all black suit and trudged to the bathroom, brushing my teeth. After fixing my light hair, I headed down to my parents. Saying nothing, I got in the car to go to the train station. After an uneventful while, we got there. I shook my father's hand and hugged mum.

"Remember what you need to do, Draco," she whispered in my ear and I hummed in understanding. I need to keep my family safe and lay low. That means no distractions, getting good marks in classes, and whatever else I need to do.  Blaise walked with me to our compartment, saying nothing to each other. We set our trunks up on the overhead railing and Pansy Parkinson rushed over to sit beside me. You have got to be kidding me.

I sat in silence the entire trip, thinking of how I can be successful with everything at hand. When we got to Hogwarts, my mood shifted into being aggravated. I did not want to deal with these silly traditions. As soon as the dinner was served and my plate was cleared, I snuck up to the seventh floor, walking into the newly appeared door.

The Room of Requirement.

I began to search for the vanishing cabinet, the crucial item for this plan to work. After finding it, I looked over the wood and scanned it. My rings scrapping the frame as I ran my hand down the side. Nodding, I took a seat on some thrown out sheets and continued studying. This isn't going to be easy in the slightest, I thought with shaking hands.

WELCOME!! So happy you decided to read my story(: This is my first serious one so please be nice

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WELCOME!! So happy you decided to read my story(: This is my first serious one so please be nice. Read the description, as I state these are not my characters aside from Bella! There will be changes so this won't look like the movie entirely. On top of that, gonna slow burn but have some smut early on bc I know that's what the ladies want and need

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