chapter twenty nine - forever

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𓆚Draco Malfoy𓆚

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𓆚Draco Malfoy𓆚

I forgot what it was like to sleep soundly, without nightmares. As always, I was awake before Bella. She slept silently next to me, her body bare from the night before. The small blonde was wrapped in her covers as my arms remained around her waist. I lifted my hand and gently pushed her hair behind her ear before pressing a kiss to her forehead. She did not stir. Throughout these months, I found it difficult to do simple things. My jaw began to grow a five o'clock shadow, which was barely noticeable due to the light blonde hair.

After a while, Bella opened her eyes and smiled. She looked at me as if I was the light of her world. I watched as she moved impossibly closer to me.

"Good morning, Draco. I thought having you here was a dream," she whispered, burying her hand into the crook of my neck.

"I'm right here, love. Did you still want to go sit at the sea for the day?"

Without hesitation, she stood and began to get ready. Her giggles echoed around the room as she pulled on a long, forest green skirt. It flowed around her as she walked to her wardrobe. My gaze couldn't budge from her and I watched as she covered her chest in a cropped, grey sweater with sleeves that extended past her fingers.

"Come on, Draco! Get ready! I'm going to pack some lunch," Bella said before rushing downstairs and leaving me to get ready.

I looked at my trunk that was filled with black suits and one pair of jeans. Hufflepuff would want me to try and drift away from my past, so I grabbed the denim, a grey shirt and a black, zip up jumper. I got dressed and brushed my teeth in the bathroom down the hall from her room. As I turned to go find Bella, I ran into her small body.

"I put together a little picnic for us, let's get going!" She grabbed my hand and walked me down the steps, slinging her bag of paints over her shoulder. Without being asking, I grabbed the basket she filled with food and followed her to the portkey.

We grabbed on and were instantly on the shore. I let Bella take me to her spot and helped her lay down the blanket to sit on.

"Before I forget, I need to give this back," I said, sheepishly, and unclasped the necklace she left with me.

Over the months in hiding, I added a small charm of my own. It was a small, silver snake with tiny diamonds as scales. I reached and slid the ring I gave her back onto the chain, putting it on her.

"What's this, Draco?" She was looking at the snake.

"Well, you always teased me about Slytherin, so I wanted get you something that can be next to the Hufflepuff colored stone. You know, as if our houses were one. Speaking of Slytherin, how did you manage to get my jumper?" A blush rose to her cheeks, she knew I noticed last night.

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