chapter twenty five - grief

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🕊Bella Makenna🕊

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🕊Bella Makenna🕊

I could feel my heart drop every minute of the hour. Harry was nowhere to be found and somehow, George had fallen asleep on my lap. The sun rose thirty minutes into the hour. No one knew what was to come, if all of these casualties were worth it. Unfortunately, the living twin constantly shifted and grabbed at his skin, tears seeping through his eyes. I knew it was nightmares; I lived them when I lost Cedric. He should have been here, fighting beside me and guarding this castle with his life. I continued stroking George's hair as I wished I could take away his pain.

15 minutes left. Potter was still nowhere to be found and everyone was now wide awake, healed with spells. But, nothing could heal the grieving and heartbreak that was stale in the air.

"Everyone, come out, Harry's back!" People scrambled to their feet, rushing out of what was left of the Great Hall's door. Neville was the first to limp out, for some reason holding the Sorting Hat. I followed, looking for the Slytherin I have yet to see before my eyes landed on Hagrid carrying Harry's limp body. Instantly, my stomach churned and I continued to my search for Draco, eventually finding him towering over the crowd. He stood tall next to Luna, his skin barely covered in dirt. My legs instantly carried me to him; he still paid no mind. A sea of black clothed people marched towards us. Voldemort came to a halt, his snake remaining beside him.

"Who is that? Hagrid's carrying? Neville, who is it?"Ginny asked, but she already knew. We all did. Her voice kept cracking, sounding weak.

"Harry Potter is dead!" All breathing stopped as the Dark Lord spoke.

"No, no!" Ginny was held back by her father as she tried to run to Harry. My eyes began to well up.

"Silence!" More people flooded out of the school, including Ron and Hermione.

"Stupid girl, Harry Potter is dead. From this day forth, you put your faith in me," Voldemort spoke venomously, moving towards the crowd. He whipped around to his army, smiling.

"Harry Potter is dead!" Laughs and cheers erupted from the Death Eaters.

My eyes fell to Draco, looking at him swallow as if he tried to eat a golf ball. He was struggling.

"Now is the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us. Or die." My hand instantly clasped around Draco's. I was not letting him go, not this time.

"Draco." Everyone turned to look at him as his father called for him. Lucius held out his hand, welcoming his son.

"Draco, come," his mum begged as confident as possible.

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