chapter twenty three - injury

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𓆚 Draco Malfoy𓆚

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𓆚 Draco Malfoy𓆚

I knew she was angry with me, but nothing was harder to swallow than my own self demise. Regret for my actions truly surfaced when I saw how she looked at me, searching for any emotion in my eyes. I wish she knew how numb I felt without her. Throughout the week, I kept to myself as much as possible. The war was going to happen within the week, but I wasn't sure when. I had to focus on keeping my mind clear of her because I knew what would happen if the Dark Lord got ahold of my memories. At this point of my life, I was trying to grasp when the last time, before Bella, I was happy, the last time I felt no care in the world. I managed to miss my classes, remaining in the the common room and my bed. Classes were an excuse to see the Hufflepuff, which was certainly a bad idea. My mark began to burn once again, signaling something is bound to start. I scrambled to the window and saw a bright streak of blue cascading to the ground. A protective shield. My eyes began to water, knowing they were here. I got to my feet, my legs having a mind of their own as my hand clasped my wand tightly. I needed to see Bella. Crabbe and Goyle followed me out into the corridor.

"Go get your wands," I demanded, my walk turning into a sprint to the sounds of students going to the Great Hall.

My eyes searched for students dressed in yellow. I didn't see her and my heart rate picked up. Where is she? I joined Slytherin, hoping to see where Bella was. We went into the Great Hall and stood stiffly. Snape began to speak.

"Many of you are surely wondering why I have summoned you at this hour. It's come to my attention that earlier this evening, Harry Potter was sighted in Hogsmeade. Now, should anyone, student or staff, attempt to aid Mr. Potter, they will be punished, in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgression. Furthermore, any person found to have knowledge of these events... who fails to come forward, will be treated... as... equally guilty." The room was silent and I kept my gaze on the Hufflepuffs.

My focus was so intent on her house that I didn't notice Potter show himself in the middle of the four sections. Once I saw her turn around to face him with a wide grin, my heart skipped a beat. I needed to speak to her. Bella didn't notice but I couldn't even comprehend what was happening between Potter and the professors. She looked worried, but hopeful. The door of the hall opened, revealing the Mudblood and Weasley. More were gathered behind them, including the twins. Her smile dropped when Snape lifted his wand towards Harry. Spells lit up the air as McGonagall shielded her student from harm. Everyone took a step back, watching the scene unfold before us. Snape soon vanished into the night, breaking the window behind him. Cheers erupted as the hall was lit up once again. Bella ran to the trio and hugged them tightly; she was joining her rightful place alongside her friends. The celebration was cut short when a whisper rang into everyone's head. It was the Dark Lord, asking for Potter to be given up. Silence fell over the school once again. Pansy spoke up by saying to grab Potter, causing McGonagall to herd the Slytherins into the dungeons. I managed to find my way to Gryffindor and pushed to her, grabbing her hand. Quickly, I leaned near her ear and wrapped my arms around her almost instantly. Her aroma was the same as always and her robe covered her attire of jeans and a thin, green hoodie. The necklace that she never took off was tucked in and hidden from sight.

"Bella, be safe. I need to see you alive and breathing after this. I don't know how I'll survive if you don't make it, darling. I love you," I whispered and pressed a light kiss to her forehead before rushing out of the hall. I told her I love her. Unbelievable. I meant it, even if it was the only time I would get to tell her. Maybe telling her will cause her to fight as safely as possible, or even stand by my side. She would never follow Voldemort, not even for me. I knew that.

Once I left the hall, I went to find Crabbe and Goyle. Panic ensued throughout the school, causing people to run through the corridors. Creaks and groans filled the walls as the barrier barricaded the castle. Potter was rushing by everyone, sparking my curiosity. He was up to something, he was going to ruin plans. I knew the Dark Lord would kill me if I didn't try to stop him. My two fellow Slytherins noticed me creeping behind the Chosen One and they silently followed my lead. I was filled regret as I walked into the Room of Requirement. Bella would be heartbroken if she saw what I was doing. Anger rose in me when I saw my wand in the hands of Harry Potter.

"Well, well. What brings you here, Potter?"

"I could ask you the same."

"You have something of mine, I'd like it back," I said, my words filled with venom. He had my wand.

"What's wrong with the one you have?"

"It's my mother's. It's powerful but it's not the same. Doesn't quite...understand me. Know what I mean?"

"Why didn't you tell her? Bellatrix? You knew it was me, you didn't say anything," Potter questioned.

The three of them were caught and brought to my Manor, where Harry disarmed me and won my wand. I didn't want to say it, but I knew the reason I didn't expose them was because Bella. She needed to be protected and they were the best options for her to stay alive. My hand began to waiver as the boys told me to end the life of Potter, my mouth went dry. Hermione and Ron ran in, standing defensively next to the Boy Who Lived. The groups of three began throwing spells and curses at each other. The wand was knocked out of my hand, leaving me without protection. Crabbe looked at me before grabbing his wand and conjuring Fiendfyre , setting the piles ablaze. I felt sick as I watched Weasley's eyes widen before running to his friends. Fire quickly spread and I knew there was no chance of making it out. Bella would see me as a coward, even in death. I began to climb a pile of junk until I reached the top. My foot slipped and I fell, catching myself on a ledge.  In a flash, I saw Potter reaching down to me from a broom and I grabbed his hand, being pulled up. I was given another chance to see her. We rushed out of the Room, passing the spot Bella and I used to dance and be together. The sheets and radio were burning, making my eyes water. I was thrown off of the broom and scrambled to my feet, staring at Potter before running off. As I was going down a staircase, I saw Luna.

"Do you know where she is?"

"The bridge with Neville. Malfoy, I trust that she's safe."

A/N: lol this sucks and it took forever to post but i'm assuming u guys heard the news. been hard to balance classes and everything. my heart goes out to my city. i couldn't focus and i apologize if i let you guys down, but protesting means more to me. it felt insensitive to post during this

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