chapter two - confrontation

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🕊 Bella Makenna🕊

After the first night, I woke up ready for classes. I got up and freshened up, pulling on my uniform and robe, the yellow standing out among the black. Grabbing my bag, I whispered a good morning to my roommates, who had an hour off. I walked through the common room, radiating excitement. My first class was Potions with Professor Slughorn, so I headed to the room and saw the class was empty, except from the only Slytherin who can kill me with one dirty glance. Draco Malfoy. He was known for being awful, as well as rumored to be working with Him. I nervously bit my lip and gave a small smile as he looked up. Draco gave me a blank stare, so I nervously walked to the seat as far away as possible.

Classes dragged on throughout the day, but we ended up with loads of work to do throughout the week. Knowing the first years would be obnoxious, I gleefully walked to the seventh floor to my secret room. I found it a few years back and I would like to believe I am the only one who knows of its existence. Smiling, I walked in the door and sat down at an old desk, pulling out my quill and parchment to begin. I set my wand next to me on the desk. I kept fiddling with my necklace, so I decided to take it off so I could focus better.

After a few hours, I realized it was getting late but I was just about finished with half of my work. Breaking the silence was the door opening. My body stilled, knowing I was going to get in trouble and my secret will be out in the open. I heard the clicks of expensive shoes, making my heart race. I could not get in trouble yet, it's literally the first day of classes.

"Who are you," a deep voice snapped, laced with venom in every word. He's a Slytherin, I can tell with that tone.

Turning around, I saw Draco Malfoy. "Oh, hi. I'm just completing work, I didn't know anyone else knew about this place. I'm sorry, I can leave. I'm Bella Makenna, by the way," I stuttered out, losing confidence with every word. He looked bored as I spoke.

"I know who you are, Hufflepuff. Are you dim? You can't be in here."

"But, you're here too," I muttered and looked up at his icy glare. I took that as my cue to pack up and go. I go to grab my wand and he takes a step near me, the lack of sleep showing on his pale skin.

"What is your wand made of? It looks very detailed," he comments.

Taken aback by him actually saying something to me, I don't reply.


"Oh, I'm sorry. The core is phoenix feather, why do you ask," I say, looking down the gold spirals and lines twisted on the white wood.

He nods, reaching over me and grabbing my necklace that lay on the desk. I make a move to grab it from his cold hand. He was holding the only thing I had left of Cedric.

"Alright, Hufflepuff. I will give this back only if you never come back to this room. If I see you here, I will break it off of you," he spat. Nervously, I nodded and he dropped it in my palm. As soon as my charm was in my hand, I grabbed my belongings and rushed out of the room. My eyes were hot with tears and I didn't even know why I was about to cry. I was ridiculous, but he was terrifying. My legs carried me to the Hufflepuff door and I tapped the barrel in the rhythm Helga Hufflepuff. (This is actually in the story - Hufflepuff doesn't have a password, rather a little riddle?) I walked in to the honey colored room and instantly headed to my room. I collapsed on my bed and saw my close friend, Hannah Abbott. Her blonde hair was tied back as she was hunched over books and parchment.

"Hey, Bell," she said, not looking up from her work. I got my things out and started my assignments, yet again.

"Hannah," I spoke up and she tore her eyes away from the lesson with a hmm?

"I ran in to Draco Malfoy and he scares the living hell out of me. He kept calling me Hufflepuff, like I don't have an actual name," I complained, my voice sounding frustrated.

"He is pretty creepy with that whole Death Eater thing, but I don't know, I find it charming," She laughed, her cheeks turning a light pink. We continued to talk about his looks, never actually focusing on work and commenting on what he said to me. During our talk, I clasped the necklace back on and decided to change into comfortable pajamas, of course black and yellow.

"Where are Megan and Susan," I asked, knowing it was just about time for curfew and they didn't need to get in trouble for wandering the halls.

"Pretty sure they're with some of the boys studying and tutoring," She shrugged and reached for her quill that was wedged between pages of her book.

I sat there, doing my work as my thoughts drifted back to Draco. Although he's an ass, I noticed how nervous and tired he looked. I was a bit worried, insults aside. I wrapped my knitted yellow blanket around my shoulders and sighed, standing up. As soon as I moved, Hannah turned her attention to me, confused.

"This is going to sound weird and I really dislike Slytherins, but I noticed something was off with Draco. I'm concerned, I'm going to go see if he is still..." I drifted off, knowing she would follow me to my not so secret place. Also, Draco would probably use a curse on me for bringing someone. She nodded before telling me to be careful.

The entire walk I kept looking over my shoulder and around every corner. Somehow I wasn't caught. The door appeared in front of me and I pulled my blanket closer to me, the castle air cold. I quickly walked in and tried my best to hide that I was there but the closing of the door echoed. I saw Draco jump, pulling out his wand.

"Who's there?" He started inching closer, anger apparent in his loud voice.

I peaked my head out and he saw me, eyes burning with frustration.

"Before you say anything, don't be mad. You look ill, you're exhausted and fidgety. I was nervous and concerned, I'm sorry," I said, my blue eyes wide with fear of him snapping and cursing me anyway.

"Typical Hufflepuff," he muttered, shooting a glance of distaste.

I brushed off his comment, asking if he needed any help with classes or studying. He looked at me like I was crazy and talked about how good he is in every class.

"Well, if classes aren't what's making you stay up so late, what is it?" Yup, the curiosity killed the cat. He rubbed his face, his dislike for me coming off in waves.

"Get out, Hufflepu-" "I have a name, Malfoy," I spat, making him aware of how he refers to me by my house.

"Listen, Makenna. I don't need to know your name, everyone knows you're the daughter who ruined a Gryffindor bloodline. You're friends with Mudbloods, you should be ashamed and disgusted. Even your brother knows you're pathetic. Beloved Cedric even knew Hufflepuff wasn't worth being a house."

I took a step back, my eyes stinging yet again. How dare he bring up my family, my insecurities, and my friends. I bit my tongue from yelling, considering the time of night.

"Bug off, Malfoy. At least I'm not a rumored Death Eater," I said, each word getting quieter. I marched out of the door and to the basement, where the common room is. Once again, I walked upstairs and decided it was time to go to bed.

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