chapter four - invitation

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Draco Malfoy

After my last encounter with Makenna, my opinion has changed. She's stubborn and fiesty. Although this sidetracks my plan, I want to get to know her. Mainly so I can have someone to lean on or push problems to. Technically, yes, that is manipulative. On the other hand, I'm excused because of what house I belong to. Cunning, ambitious, the list goes on and on.

Throughout the past month, I have seen the Hufflepuff in classes. She sat especially close in Potions, making it easy for me to steal glances as she scribbled with her quill. I noticed she usually had her hair up in a bun that had a large amount of strays or braided back. Because of my new found interest, though, I found the colors yellow and blue a lot more interesting. Her eyes were so blue, like the sky, and when she wore yellow, which was everyday, she seemed to radiate happiness. Something that I cannot do. Maybe she's interesting because she's everything that I'm not. Although I was good with classes, she excelled. Bella Makenna was something different; our conversations have never been long, but we do send soft smiles and speak whenever we happened to run in to each other. Every time we were in potions, I would look her way. To my demise, she was now friends with Potter and he seemed to notice everything intriguing too. A few times he saw me when I was day dreaming about her.

I couldn't get her off of my mind, even on the busiest and most stressful days, like today. The damned cabinet wasn't working. I have spent my entire Saturday here, hair turning grey from stress. There was simply no way to fix this, I swear I have tried everything. A few hours later, I gave up due to hunger and simply, impatience. I hurried down the corridor, hearing everyone whispering about the Yule Ball in just over a month. Everyone was chatting about their dates, dresses, whatever else that you can gush on and on about. I found the Yule Ball stupid and hated it every year. Especially this one. I continued walking to the kitchen, right by the Hufflepuff common room and grabbed an apple. Then, I heard her voice - probably speaking to a Hufflepuff... or worse, Potter. Taking a bite from the apple, I leaned out of the door to see her speaking to that Mudblood Granger. Makenna was laughing, her dimples clearly giving the world a beautiful view.

"So, Bel, I might have heard Harry considering about asking you to the Yule Ball," I overheard Granger say. My eyes shifted to the blue eyed brunette, who was blushing and somehow, her smile got wider.

"Wait, really? Me?" She sounded bewildered, which shocked me because she must've known every boy falls at her feet here. But, there was no way in Hell I was letting Potter take that Hufflepuff to the Yule Ball, I would have rathered Blaise or Neville or anyone else.

Granger turned to look at me, whispering to Bella. My face must have been able to read; Bella kept her eyes on me as I took another bite of the tart, green apple before throwing it in the bin beside me. Knowing her eyes are on me, I lick my lips and tips of my fingers to rid of the apple juice. Her face instantly turns red, her eyes wide like an innocent doe. I smirk as I head toward the owlery, aware that I just put her in an uncomfortable position. As I climb the steps, I decide I am going to send her an owl to meet me in the room tonight. I need a break from the cabinet taking up my whole life. Quickly, I take out parchment and a quill, scribbling the time and location before giving my owl the message and sending him off. After my owl is sent off, I start my journey back to the dungeons so I can make myself look a little less drained. I could take a shower, get some shut eye, and be ready to go by 10pm this evening. I might sleep through dinner, but I have gotten use to a strict schedule where I forget to grab meals.

I whisper Pureblood and enter the Slytherin common room after the entrance swings open. The walls are lit up from the green tinted fire. Some people were on the couches, studying by the fire since it was November and the temperature had dropped significantly. My tired form lazily walks up the stairs to the boys dormitory and into my room. As soon as the door was closed, I began taking off my statement suit and grabbed a towel, heading for a hot shower. I was in there for a while, enjoying the stress being released with the steam. Once I got out, I looked at the time - 5 O'Clock. I will have time to sleep, so I put on warm pajamas and crawled until the silk green covers and closed my eyes.

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