chapter twenty one - aware

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  𓆚 Draco Malfoy𓆚

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  𓆚 Draco Malfoy𓆚

Bella followed behind me to the Slytherin common room, her face stained from her tears and her hiccups echoing through the hall. I began to wonder, is this really what it's like when someone you care so much for dies? Unfortunately, I knew of the plans to kill whoever stood by Potter. Everyone and anyone. I also knew Bella would never turn against her friends. Not even for me; she has the biggest heart out there. She was going to die and I would be left here, just like this. I didn't want to accept leaving her, but I had a feeling she wouldn't make it out alive. Godric, I wanted to trust Potter and Hogwarts to pull themselves through this war. My thoughts came to a halt as we stood at the painting's entrance. I mumbled the password and stepped aside as it swung open. Hastily, I ushered for Bella to go in first and felt my frustration rise as she hesitated to move. I was angry at myself for being upset on the future, but granted, my father had the emotional capacity of a quill. He taught me lessons that I have not forgotten. Once in my room, she went to sit on the neatly made bed.

"Bella. Go shower, you look a mess."

Her mouth opened, standing and walking to the bathroom. She closed the door behind her and I heard silent sobs, but I refused to give in. I knew that seeing her body still and her face cold would break every sanity in me. I knew that never hearing her laugh or voice again would be my downfall. Learning to hate her would make things easier, but I'm going to allow myself one last night with her. After a while, she crept out and grabbed one of my sweaters, shrugging it on. She looked beautiful standing there. My sweater was large on her, concealing every curve, and her hair was tucked behind her ear. One thing that bothered me was that she didn't dare to make eye contact with me. Her legs were bare and cold, yet she didn't say a word. I added more pain with my aggression.

"Darling, come here. I'm sorry," I said, softly.

She walked over until she was in front of me; my head at her rib cage as Bella stood. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her down onto my lap. For one moment, I saw the familiar light in her eyes return. A ghost of a smile appeared on her face as I pressed my lips to her forehead. I could feel her tension and pain release. After a while, I saw a devilish grin creep on her smile.

"Draco," she whispered, her pouty eyes finding mine. "I miss when you played Quidditch, even though Harry was worlds better. You always looked jaw dropping during games."

I was surprised; she's rarely as bold as this. Bella gently pressed on my chest until I was laid back. She moved to straddle me and I knew she was barely under that sweater. I stayed silent, wanting to see how long she can put up with being in control. Her hand began to palm me through the fabric as she leaned over and pressed light kisses from my jaw to my neck. Growing beneath her, her hands quickly moved to rid of any clothes. I watched as she sat back on her knees and continued the trail of kisses down to my shaft. Bella's hand gripped firmly, moving slowly. She grinned before dragging her tongue up to the tip. Antagonizing. Before I could register, her mouth was wrapped around me. My hands instantly clasped at her hair, making a blonde ponytail. This sweet, innocent girl had her hand and lips covered in salvia from me. The sounds of her gagging ceased as she pulled me out of her mouth with a pop.

"I want to be on top," she said, almost asking.

I nodded, watching her line herself up and sink down onto me. She was mesmerizing and captivating. My hands firmly grasped her hips, slightly guiding her. Bella's moans bounced off of the walls; the sweater on mine now lay on the floor. I licked the tip of my thumb, moving it to press on her clit. With a gasp, her head fell back. I felt her tighten around me; she had hit her high but I was nowhere near done. Her movements slowed. I instantly flipped her to her back, moving her leg to hook on my shoulder.

"You did amazing, darling. But don't forget who controls, Hufflepuff," I spat, pressing into her again.

I watched her back arch as I continued rolling her folds between my fingers. She gripped at the sheets, making me pound harder. I will never get tired of hearing the skin slap, seeing her glistening with sweat and desire. But, this is my last night with her and I was bloody livid she had me feeling things. I was going to fuck emotions out of the both of us tonight. It wasn't long before she came undone for the second time. She was panting, her legs shaking.

"Come on, let's run another shower."

She weakly walked behind me, standing there stark as I turned on the water. Bella made a move towards the sink and that's when I pressed behind her.

"Did you think we were done, darling?" Her head shook no, eyes filling with excitement but her body was exhausted.

"No, Malfoy. I didn't think we were done, I don't want to be just yet."

I knew she wanted more so with that, I bent her over the sink and entered her. As I began to move, her small hands gripped the corners.

"Watch," I demanded, grabbing her hair and gently pulling her up to watch. This time was going to be quick I could feel it. I was so damn close.

She tightened around me once again; I instantly pulled out and released onto her lower back. Her figure was still bent over as she calmed her heart rate. My hand dropped, landing on her ass with a smack. She giggled and straightened herself. Bella gripped my arm for support as I led the both of us get into the shower.

After a long shower of nothing but laughs, she was in my sweater and fast asleep on my chest. I stared up at the ceiling, feeling as awake as ever. I knew this was the last night with her, so I took the time to cherish it. The way she smelled, how she looked so peaceful in her sleep, the way she brightened up a room. But, once the sun rises, she is dead to me. It has to be this way. If Bella would consider fighting alongside me, I would've asked and begged her to but only for her protection. Even if I did ask, I knew she wouldn't look at me the same when the question passed my lips. Suddenly, I felt stirring beside me. I don't think I got one ounce of sleep. Bella woke up and smiled up at me, pressing a peck to my cheek.

"Good morning," she gushed, cheerfully.


A/N: HIIIII!!! so ik this is spice but that's ab it i'm sorry it suckkkkkks but love u guys xoxo

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