chapter nine - aroma

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🕊Bella Makenna🕊

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🕊Bella Makenna🕊

Draco was nowhere to be seen after the ball, but I also didn't have the confidence to go to our room. He left for a reason and I don't need to give him a chance to humiliate me even more. As soon as I woke up, I brought my trunk to the train with every other student. But Draco, was he staying behind? I didn't care, I shouldn't. I got on the train and instantly found Hermione, following her to the cabin they would be sitting in.

"Any explanation from Draco?" I shook my head, hearing her sigh in frustration. I'm feeling the same. The ride back to King's Cross was dull; snow fluttered onto the windows as we sped to London.

Once there, I got off and found my parents, hugging them both incredibly tightly. They grabbed my things from my hand, although I argued that I could carry my bags. Mum asked me to tell her everything. So, I did. I told her about my courses, the Yule Ball, Draco, everything. When the name 'Malfoy' slid out of my mouth, Mum had a pained expression. She knew his reputation, his family's reputation.

We pulled into the manor and I saw a dark haired, tall man standing by the front door. As we got closer, I knew he was my brother, Augustus. I scrambled out of the car, running into his arms. He has been busy with Quidditch for months; Aug barely came home to visit.

Most of the break consisted of celebrations and wishing for Draco to send an owl, telling me he was sorry for going off with a fellow Slytherin and leaving me alone. But, I knew that was just a dream. That wasn't going to happen. Although I was offended, I never showed anything but happiness around my family. I would hate to worry them. Owls did come in every week but only from Hannah, Hermione, and Harry. Clarity loved sending off letters, but I think it was because she loved the extra pellets I would give to her.

Days turned into weeks, leading up to the day I would be returning to Hogwarts. I dreaded seeing Draco, but I knew it was a matter of time. Once again, the train ride back was uneventful. I expected such. I was clothed in my vest and robe, a yellow striped scarf draped around my neck. I put everything back to where I had it weeks ago, flipping through the pages in my Potions book, trying to refine the lesson that would be presented tomorrow. Amortentia, the world's strongest love potion. I closed the books after a while of reading, completing work from Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts. Once everything was completed, I closed the book and checked out for the night.

Walking to Potions, I began to sweat nervously. I first thought it was because of the layers and the thick robe, but no, I just knew what this lesson would mean. I knew he would be sitting near me. I walked through the classroom door and waited for the class to finish filing in. Draco walked in, glancing in my direction with affection that was quickly covered with disgust.

"Good morning. Today, we will be going over Amortentia. Can anyone tell me what potion that is?"

Hermione's hand shot up, explaining the love potion's ability to smell differently to each person based off of what attracts them the most. Slughorn asked us to line up and describe what aroma we caught. Nervously, I bit at the sides of my mouth.

"Miss Makenna, what do you smell?" I walked up to the cauldron and inhaled. I considered lying, but I knew I was horrid at it.

"I smell expensive cologne, spearmint, and...apples. A hint of sandalwood, but very faint," I muttered, feeling a piercing glare on my back. He knew.

The line filtered through and Draco walked up, breathing in the air from the potion. He cleared his throat, clenching his fists at his sides.

"Vanilla, flowers, and honey. Citruses, like lemons."

My heart did a backflip until the last smell. It would've been me but that was an exception. Jealous burned in my chest. The Slytherin prince turned on his heel, not daring to look at me. We waited in our seats as the line kept going. I tugged on my necklace when a origami bird flew into my lap. Carefully I unfolded it and read it to myself quietly.

You were a mistake to be around, you will ruin everything I have worked for due to your low status. I cannot be seen around your type of people. Blood traitor. Disgusting.

My throat burned once I finished reading. I didn't dare show any emotions. I crumbled the paper and whispered,"Evanesco." The parchment disappeared into thin air. As soon as class was dismissed, I packed my things and left in a flash. I basically ran to Charms.

Everything was a blur throughout the day. I was unappetized but I knew I needed to eat so staying up to do some schoolwork wouldn't be miserable. My fellow Hufflepuffs were crowded around the long, wooden table. I still have Draco's ring, I remembered as I went to tuck it in my sweater. I wanted every remaining thing of him to be gone. The feast lowered to the table and I filled my plate.

Once I finished the pudding, I noticed Draco was at dinner for once. This is my chance. I hurried out of the hall and up the stairs, my shoes clicking with every step. My legs halted to a stop, waiting for the door to open. I walked into the room while unclasping my necklace back. In a rush, I pulled the ring off and set it in the spot where we would sit and talk. I began to think of the memories, smiling to myself. I over shared my welcome, hearing the door close behind someone else. Shit. Slowly, I inched my way 180 degrees, looking into Draco's deadly eyes. His sleeves were rolled up, but they weren't at dinner. I glanced down, looking for the tinted skin I saw months ago. To my horror, his left forearm bear the Dark Mark. My shaky hand covered my mouth as he followed my gaze.

"Get out. Get the hell out!" I flinched, standing as still as possible. I was too petrified to move. He grabbed my wrist with his veiny hand, pulling me to the door.

"Tell no one," he spat at me, shoving me out of the door and slamming it.

I felt sick to my stomach, absolutely defeated as well. Without thinking, I went to the nearest exit and took a step out into the cold January air. My legs kept moving until I found another entrance on the other side of the castle. I entered, recognizing this as the astronomy tower. Once I got up the stairs and found a place to sit, I took a deep breath and pulled my knees into my chest. I sat there until minutes before curfew. Knowing everyone was walking the corridors, I got up and walked to my common room.

  𓆚 Draco Malfoy𓆚

She was standing there, right in front of me. I wanted to tell her the potion smelled exactly like her; I held her close enough to know her aroma. I wanted to tell her that the note was a lie, but I couldn't have her around because it puts everyone in danger. Bella gasped once she looked down at my arm, seeing the most regretful thing I will ever have for my entire life. Shit. Quickly, I pushed her out. If she saw, she knew what was happening. That damn Hufflepuff was too intelligent and nosy for her own good. I just put the entire task on the line. Dropping to the floor, I noticed a small glare of silver; as I moved closer, I knew it was my ring. She was here to give it back. Nausea took over, as I remembered the dream of her giving it back when we were both safe. That was supposed to be the only reason I would ever get it back. But the time was nearing and I knew she would be in danger soon.

They would be here within the week. I will be a murderer in just a few days.

A/N: i KNOW i KNOW i did a lil bit of both but they both deserved some recognition in this chap! Please keep commenting who's POV you want to see next bc I want to adjust my storyline to how you guys want to see it portrayed in the eyes of ✨ xoxo

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