chapter twenty four - sacrifice

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🕊Bella Makenna🕊

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🕊Bella Makenna🕊

After Draco left me stunned with his parting words, I snapped myself out of the trance and followed after one of my friends. Soon enough, I stood at the end at the bridge behind Neville, locking eyes with the most dangerous wizards. The only thing that stood between us was the protective barrier. My hands were clammy from nerves and my legs quivered once I realized that this was real, this was now. Even with my green jumper, I shivered with the wind. I probably should have worn something other than the thin, black tank top under the jacket. My confidence faltered once thousands of lights struck the wall keeping the school safe, especially since Longbottom was mocking the Death Eaters.

"Neville, stop," I whispered, looking up as fiery sheets of the barrier fell down like a feather. It was breaking apart, bit by bit. Our biggest fear came to life as a long haired man, Scabior, stepped towards us, showing that they were free to enter Hogwarts. I took a step back, pulling the Gryffindor by the arm.

"Run," I said while yanking him in the direction of the castle.

Hexes flew behind us as we began to sprint; they were coming right behind us. We began yelling spells with our wands pointed behind us. Once we reached the half way point, I heard a crack in the wood. Neville's spell was misfired and the bridge was going to fall. Screaming rang in my ears as the ground beneath our feet began to collapse. I saw Ginny at the entrance, feeling only air below me. Everything became slowed down as I began to fall; my friend's face was filled with horror. My hands waved, trying to grab anything I could. I felt wood and stone underneath my hands. Neville was next to me, pulling himself up.

"I got you, Bella!" His arms wrapped under mine as he lifted me back onto solid ground. The bridge was gone.

The lone Weasley daughter smiled as she saw us. Quickly, I hugged Neville tightly and thanked him profusely. This is real. I almost died, Draco said he loved me. A small smile spread across my dirt smudged face. My hands were scraped, drops of blood breaking through the openings. I wiped them on the sides of my zip up jumper, grimacing. Noticing my combat boot was untied, I laughed and bent down to quickly tie it as tight as possible.

"Come on, we need to be ready inside," I said as I stood up. I didn't notice how tense my grip on my wand was until I let myself calm down from my near death.

Where could Draco be? He's somewhere in the castle, right? No, I can't let him distract me.

Without any idea of where to go, we sped inside the castle. I grabbed Ginny, telling her we could handle ourselves and that the others needed to be elsewhere. We stood by the staircase and waited. Ginny Weasley is one of the bravest girls I know; that's why she was sorted into Gryffindor. She was a star Quidditch player and could hold her own against the aggressive players. I'm pretty sure she scared Draco. I wrapped my arms around her in a hug before going back to my position.

"You ready?" She nodded as an answer.


"As ready as ever. Just don't let me die looking like an idiot," I laughed, trying to lighten the atmosphere of worry.

Our wands remained by our sides until dark clouds stopped in front of us. My heart rate picked up as I was looking into the eyes of Death Eaters. Instantly, I flicked my wand before ducking out of the way of a hex. I stood my ground, fighting back with every movement. Dust fell from the ceiling and debris surrounded my feet. This man should be a better aim, considering he sides with Voldemort. I'm sure I looked a mess, but that was the last concern.

"I'm not even worried about you killing me. You have missed almost every time," I said with a confident smirk.

The last spell I whisked towards the man sent him flying in the air. He was unconscious after his head his the wall. Ginny moved back in retreat, traveling up the stairs. My wand knew what I wanted. I disarmed the man, distracting him long enough for Ginny to propel him through the stone.

After hours of fighting, a ringing covered the halls. Voldemort was in everyone's heads again.

"You have fought valiantly, but in vain. I do not wish this. Every drop of magically blood spilled is a waste. I therefore command my forces to retreat. You have one hour. In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity. Treat your injured."

My hands pushed into my ears, trying to get his voice to stop.

"Harry Potter. I now speak directly to you. On this night, you have allowed your friends to die for you, rather than facing me yourself. There is no greater dishonor. Join me in the Forbidden Forest and confront your fate. If you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, woman, and child who tries to conceal you from me."

Ginny and I interlocked our fingers once the voice freed our thoughts. We needed to help at the infirmary. Stone covered in the floor, showing the severe damage. Once we reached the doors of the Great Hall, Ginny noticed her family surrounding a body. No, no, no. She ran over, tears spilling from her eyes. My heart rate once again spiked as I walked over and saw Fred motionless. Nausea flooded me as I moved to George and felt him collapse into my arms. Sitting us down, I held the back of his head as he sobbed into the crook of my neck. The jokester had never been so broken. George's hot tears soaked my shoulder and I stroked his hair. The trio walked in. Harry stood back as Hermione and Ron came to the family. I watched as his eyes wandered through the deceased. If it was possible, I felt my heart break once I saw Tonks and Remus laying still. Their hands were just about touching. I tore my gaze away, seeing Lavender Brown and Colin Creevey. Consoling George and myself, I held him closer and tighter. I noticed Harry turning around and walking off after a few, still minutes. Draco was nowhere to be seen, but he always loved to stay to himself. I found comfort in knowing he wasn't in here, injured or dead. George began to calm his sobs and I pressed a small kiss to his forehead, lifting him off my shoulder to wipe his tears.

"He will always be here in your heart, George. You know he's probably cracking jokes about you crying," I whispered and watched a ghost of a smile spread before disappearing as if it never existed.

One hour.

A/N: a few more chapters!!! do u guys want me to do another fic for draco or the twins or harry?? pls give suggestions! the draco one would be an entirely different story, but in year 4-7 for more chapters! but also i kinda wanna do one of the twins even tho i will SOB! so pls lmk!! and send love bc i need it lately! love u guys so much! xoxo

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