chapter thirty - eternity

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🕊Bella Makenna🕊

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🕊Bella Makenna🕊

The last few days Draco spent at my family home were filled with nightly rendezvous. And once he had left, Mum expressed that she really enjoyed him. That was something I did not expect. But when Draco was gone, we wrote letters daily.

I was sitting on my bed with my legs crossed as I read his letter than had just arrived. Gus walked in and sat with me.

"Hey, baby sis," he said, laying back.

"Hi," I mumbled, barely looking up from the parchment in my hands.

"How are you doing with everything? Have your heard from the Weasley's? Harry? Hermione?"

"Yes, I have. They invited our family over for a small gathering, I thought mum told you?"

"Nope, she did not. Is Draco coming?" In the corner of my vision, I could see him eyeing me carefully.

"I didn't want to put Draco or the Weasley family in an uncomfortable position, so I didn't bother asking," I replied with a shrug as I attempted to hide my sadness.

"I'm sure they wouldn't mind, Molly and Arthur love us. You should send an owl and ask!" He exclaimed before pressing his usual brotherly kiss on the top of my head and walking out.

Maybe they were all ready for a change? A chance to accept the boy I fell in love with? Instantly, I dropped Draco's letter and grabbed parchment to write on.

My hand scribbled a letter to the Weasley family, silently hoping they would agree to having him present. Once I finished, I handed my owl the delivery and watched her fly off.

"Bel, sweetie!" Mum yelled from downstairs, causing me to head down there.

"Yes, mum?"

"Could you help me prepare dinner?"

I nodded, moving to wash my hands.

We spent a while in the kitchen, humming songs as the two of us cooked. I look exactly like my mum when she was my age, aside from her dark hair. She was my best friend and although it was never said aloud, I knew she approved of Draco. Mum, simply, wanted me happy and cared for.

Once our table was set, Gus and my father carried out the meal. It was steaming, but it was my favorite. Bangers and mash. The four of us filled our plates and began to feast as my owl returned. She perched on the back of my chair, setting the small piece of parchment on my shoulder and hooting as it dropped to my lap. Before anyone could notice, I tore off some meat and handed it to her.

"Who wrote you?"

"I wrote to the Weasley's asking if I could bring Draco." Father stiffened, as he always did whenever the Slytherin came into conversation. It was never well hidden, but it managed to hurt my feelings every time.

Slowly, I opened the letter and read it as my smile grew. They were okay with him coming; they believed that he deserved another chance at freedom and innocence. I stood from the table and excused myself, running up to my room to grab my quill and parchment. I scribbled a note to Draco and sent it off, feeling giddy.


My fireplace erupted, the smoke leaving Draco behind.

"Hello, darling."

Instantly, I ran to him and wrapped my arms around him as tight as I could. He peppered my cheeks with kisses as he held my cheeks. In a flash, he was gone from my grasp and his hands were fiddling nervously.

"Bels, I need to ask you something."

"Of course, Slytherin."

"My sweet Hufflepuff, my Bella. I had always known you were beautiful since first year. I never wanted to admit it, but seeing your smile was always so breathtaking. I have made mistakes, many of them. I know we're young, but, my love, you never gave up on me. You're my forever, so let's bind it. Will you marry me?" He dropped to one knee, showing the small, velvet box from his pocket.

I watched his hands shake as he opened it to reveal a silver band with dainty diamonds around it. The center had a cluster of larger stones. Inside, it was engraved with our names, as well as the snake and badger from our houses.


"Yes. Yes, a thousand times yes!" I said, tears pooling as he slid it on my left ring finger.

Draco grabbed me and picked me up in a hug, spinning me. He smelled like his
cologne and apples, the smell I fell in love with. His shampoo was the smell of mint and he was everything I needed.

"Come, we have to get ready for lunch with the Weasleys!"

He followed me to my room, sitting on my bed as I grabbed my floral sun dress. His eyes followed my every moment as I began to change.

"I have a beautiful fiancé," he muttered, reaching out to me.

I stepped over to him and felt his cold hand slide up my outer thighs, slowly moving to my ass. His grip was rough until he dropped on hand to my clothed core. My lungs inhaled sharply, knowing we had a place to be but wanting him beyond belief. The pool between my legs floor as he slid his finger between my folds.

"Please, Draco."

"I'm going to fuck you like I should fuck my fiancé."

Instantly, I was bent over the bed as he stood over me. Draco pulled off my panties, pushing my dress up to my ribs. Without warning, his tongue and fingers were stroking me. As whimpers flowed out of my body, I heard his belt hit the floor and prepared myself to take every last inch of him.

"I'm going to fill you," he muttered, sliding into me with a buck of his hips.

I felt my hair being twirled and wrapped around his hand before I was pulled back. He began to pound into me mercilessly. Before I knew it, my legs were shaking as my body was filled with heat. Draco soon followed, keeping his promise. His warm liquid dripped down my legs and he walked to the side of my bed where a discarded towel lay. Soothingly, he cleaned the both of us before sliding my panties back under my dress.

"Come on, we have lunch to get to," he said with a wink.

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