chapter three - threat

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🕊 Bella Makenna🕊

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🕊 Bella Makenna🕊

The past month dragged on, as it was filled with homework and I didn't dare go back to my happy place on the seventh floor for weeks. Nothing eventful happened, aside from getting letters from Mum. I spoke to the Gryffindor trio every so often, creating a decent bond with them. But, finally, it was the weekend and Quidditch try outs were today. I never had the desire to play, but I did enjoy sitting and watching people play. After breakfast, I walked out to the stadium, seeing that Ravenclaws were in the air, conducting their try outs first.

I sat out there for hours, clearing my head from the past week of hard work. After Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff held their try outs, Slytherin and Gryffindor followed. As soon as every house was done, I went back to the castle and sat on an opening in the stone walls. I did homework, stopping every once in a while to say hello to fellow Hufflepuffs. As soon as the hall cleared for dinner, I stayed back to finish my work for the day. Throughout the hall, I heard the infamous clicking of shoes. Draco.

He stopped as he passed me, turning in my direction.

"Makenna, how are you?"

"Uh, I'm quite good, thank you for asking," I replied hesitantly, not knowing his intentions for this random interaction. In the light of the sunset, I understood why girls would trip over themselves to get just a glance. I didn't realize I was staring until he cleared his throat.

"Makenna, you have got to stop staring me like you want to snog," he laughed quietly then he must've realized he didn't have his usual scowl. I felt my cheeks burn and I instantly looked down at my book as he sat in the empty part of the opening.

"Just wanted to say thank you for coming back and checking to see if I was okay," he said, with a curt nod.

"Of course, Draco. I mean, Malfoy. It was me just being the typical Hufflepuff. I'm sorry for bitching at you."

His eyes scanned my frame and I felt uneasy under his judgmental gaze. He was dangerous and I knew that.

"But as I said before about snogging, I would gladly," he said with a cocky smirk. I breathed in sharply as I stood up. Somehow my cheeks got more red throughout this entire conversation. I gave an awkward smile, his gaze moving to my dimples.

"Thank you, I guess? Um, I don't know what to say to that."

He stood as soon as I did, his body being way too close to mine. I could smell his cologne and spearmint breath. My hands started to get clammy and I took a hard swallow. He inched closer to me and unfortunately, I let my eyes flutter close. They shot open when I heard a laugh come from his mouth.

"You actually thought I would kiss you, Hufflepuff?" Shaking his head as I backed away, visibly upset from the embarrassment. I looked him dead in the eye once he finished his fit of laughter, confident with what I had to say.

"First, your pants say otherwise. You would've been blessed to even touch me, I don't get around unlike you," I said, not even knowing his reputation with girls. He stilled, then backed me into the rough stone and leaned his hand next to my head.

"Watch what you say, little, innocent Hufflepuff. Because, I will eventually touch you in unimaginable ways. Even if you are your family's disappointment, I will still make you squirm under me," he threatened and I felt myself rise in temperature. He's joking, right? I barely even know him! But, his sultry voice made my heart skip a beat and gave me an uncomfortable feeling between my legs. Draco Malfoy is bad news, even if his blonde hair and enchanting light eyes draw me in. He sensed my discomfort, smirking.

"Is the little Hufflepuff frustrated?"

I looked up and opened my mouth but no words came out.

"Good girl, keep that pretty mouth shut. And don't come check on me in the room," he whispered, my eyes going as wide as planets. He turned on his heel, chuckling and shaking his head. Draco walked upstairs, towards our secret place. Our? No.

As I followed him, not hearing his warning, I played with my necklace. I didn't dare walk in the room because I knew he would keep his promise. I wanted him to, but there's no way I'm losing my innocence to a boy I don't even know, much less a Slytherin. Realizing how strange it must look for me to be standing in the hall, staring at the cement that once was a door, I decided to head back to the common room.

As I walked in after completing the pattern, I saw Hannah and Susan by the fireplace. Finally, we could have a free minute to be around each other. As bad as I wanted to, I didn't tell them about Draco. I knew there would be judgment, which was understandable. But, I couldn't get his words out of my head. I kept replaying it until my thoughts were entirely clouded of that cunning boy. I excused myself to the room, instantly laying down and falling asleep on top of the covers. I hoped for dreams of Draco, which I had no idea why. But yet, my unconscious showed me a dream of Draco swaying me around to the soft music played at the Yule Ball. He was in his black suit, twirling me in my light blue ball gown. Draco kissed my forehead, telling me I looked beautifully.

I woke in a cold sweat, sighing when I realized it wasn't real. I tossed and turned, trying to fall back asleep. Eventually, I gave up and headed up to the seventh floor, yet again. But, that was my safe place. Draco wouldn't be here at this hour. Once I get in the room, I whispered a spell and set a kindled fire from old newspaper with parchment. The golden light warmed me and eased my feelings from what I saw in my sleep. Thank godric that Draco went in for the night and wasn't here to kick me out. I curled in and hugged my knees before I found a small sheet. Then, I wrapped myself up and fell asleep as the golden glow faded into ash.

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