chapter six - the bet

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🕊Bella Makenna🕊

Throughout the next week, Draco and I got significantly closer. We spent most nights in the Room of Requirement, which is where I was walking to now. I carried my knitted blanket in and saw him sitting at our usual place on the floor. He already lit a bundle of paper for a small fire and I crept over, sitting next to him.

"Hi, Slytherin, did you study for the test tomorrow," I laughed while wrapping myself in yellow crochet. He nodded, explaining how easy it was going to be.

Rolling my eyes, I challenged,"I bet I'll do better than you." His lips stretched into a smirk.

"Let's shake on it. If I do better, you eat an entire thing of Bertie Bott's Beans and..."

I cringed, trying to think of something to raise the stakes a bit more.

"I get your ring," I suggested. Draco's face faltered but he nodded and followed it with a chuckle. His eyes bore into mine, reaching his hand to my cheek. Rubbing his thumb on my soft skin, he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. It wasn't our first peck, we have snuck a few in here and there. I leaned into him with my hands on his chest. His cold hand slid to my neck, forcing the kiss to deepen. I wasn't complaining. My head was fuzzy and my stomach was doing backflips; this was amazing. After a while, we pulled back and looked at each other's flushed cheeks. Draco was something different than anyone else, but I still enjoyed being around Harry. These secret meetings with Draco were exactly that: a secret. Harry would walk her to some classes, to the Hufflepuff table for meals. He even would slip smiles during his Quidditch games.

"Draco, it's getting late, we should probably go in for the night," I whispered, making a move to stand. He grabbed my hand and for the first time, he looked vulnerable. I stayed where I was, concerned about his newly discovered emotion. Draco ran his hand along my thigh and I cursed myself in my head for not changing out of my skirt. It's the first week of December, for godric's sake! Goosebumps erupted as his hand crept upward and she heard him speak, just below a whisper.

"Please don't leave yet."

So, I stayed for a while longer before convincing Draco that we needed to sleep.

The morning went on and on without end. I turned in my exam in Slughorn's quickly, right before Draco. As I handed the paper to the professor, I smiled. He read it over and nodded, telling me I had no marks and did everything perfectly. I nodded and walked out, meeting Hermoine in the corridor. We were headed in Hogsmeade to browse for our dresses.

The two of us walked to the town, wrapped in warm clothes. As we looked for gowns, my eyes landed on a light blue dress with silver decals. The color would look spectacular with my tanned skin and dark hair. Hermoine followed my gaze, gasping.

"Try it on, right now," She demanded, taking it from its rack. I nodded, heading into the changing room. Changing into the dress, I looked in the mirror before walking out to show my friend. She was holding a beautiful maroon silk gown, entirely different from the one she wore during our 4th year. Sending my presence, she looked up and smiled.

"Yes, yes, yes," she said, cheerfully. I found a pair of silver heels to pair the dress with. We both brought up our gowns and paid.

"Hermoine, who are you going to the ball with," I asked, looking at her as we started our journey back to the castle.

"Harry, Ron is bringing Lavender," she sighed as her eyes clouded. I looked over, understanding the sadness in her heart. Last night, I told myself that Harry isn't an option. Especially after being with Draco. Unfortunately, being with Harry was a lost cause.

As we walked inside from the brisk air, I headed to the common room after promising to meet Hermoine back here for dinner. I got to my dormitory and hung my dress up, leaving my heels on my bed. Hearing my stomach grumble, I decided I was going to head to meet up with my Gryffindor friend. I left the hall, retracing my steps back to the entrance. Hermoine must have had the same idea because she was sitting there, waiting. Once she walked to me, we headed toward to the Great Hall. I walked her to the Gryffindor table, saying hello to the rest of the trip before making my way to Hufflepuff's designated area. I shot a glance to the Slytherin table, not seeing the silver eyes that I've gotten used to. But, it wasn't something new. He's been skipping meals too often for my liking. I cleared my plate, filling it once again and walked out of the hall. Quietly, I tip toed to the familiar meeting spot and walked in, hearing him mutter. His shoulders were shaking, as if he was crying.

"Draco?" He flinched and turned around, eyes red. I walked over and handed him the plate as he gave me a small smile.

"You need to eat, but would you like to tell me what's wrong," I asked, sitting near him and grasping his free hand to provide comfort.

"I can't tell you, Hufflepuff. But promise me that no matter what happens, you won't hate me. You're the only one who believes in me," his voice sounded shattered. I nodded without understanding the extreme of this promise.

"I promise. But I got zero marks on my test today," I chuckled, softly. I was hoping to lighten his mood and he smiled, sliding his ring off and into my palm.

"Hufflepuff, you outdid me. I got two marks." I unclasped my necklace, sliding his ring next to the charm Ced got me. He helped me put it back on.

"So, Yule Ball date, are you excited?" He looked over at me, rolling his eyes.

"I went and got my dress today," I smiled widely, looking down at the new edition around my neck.

"I can't wait to see how breathtaking you look," he grinned cheekily

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