chapter twenty six - recovery

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𓆚 Draco Malfoy𓆚

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𓆚 Draco Malfoy𓆚

Walking away from the carnage of Hogwarts made my heart ache, but leaving her behind was the most difficult part. I wanted to turn around and run in there to hold her. My family was now wanted among the Wizarding World and I would be taken to Azkaban, no question. Also, I didn't even want to show my face after I tried to drag her into the army of wizards and witches she despised. Mum held my hand tightly as we walked; I would assume she knew that if I wasn't clinging to someone, I would go back to Bella. Father was going to give me hell for falling in love with a Hufflepuff.

"Draco, we will be okay. You will see her soon," Mum whispered so my father wouldn't hear.

We arrived back at the Manor, but only to pack some of our belongings. My family was going into hiding until the hunt for the Dark Lord's followers was over, which I assumed never would be. I didn't notice my right hand was still clasping Bella's chain until I was alone in my room. Before putting anything together, I clasped it around my neck and tucked it in. I probably look like a git for having a woman's necklace clashing against my all black clothing and cold, venomous aura. The beautiful love of my life will always be near my heart during this time apart. Throwing my clothes in a truck, I finally let her consume my thoughts. She looked strong covered in soot and blood, like a warrior. Bella was defiant and an amazing witch; I knew she was okay without needing to see the rest of the battle. But, I did wish I was there with her. I could be drawing her a bath and wiping away all of the dirt while her muscles were soothed by the warm water. When she fought me as I brought her to surrender, I could tell she was tired. My darling was probably even more exhausted now; I should be there with her. Without her, I felt stuck and empty. All of my worries for these past few years became reality and now, I didn't know what to do. I didn't know who to be, but I had to be hers. Mum knocked before walking in.

"Son, we don't have much time. We need to leave. Let me help you." She was just as sad as I was.

"Yes, mum," I said, my eyes stung with tears that I haven't let spill in ages.

I sat on the edge of my bed and began to sob. I needed her, I needed freedom, I needed a future. My hands shook as I buried my head into my hands. Mum said nothing, but continued to pack my things for me. I was a shell of who I once was, but I don't even count that as me. Bella made me into what I needed and wanted to be. My bed sunk next to me as Mum sat down and cupped my cheeks in her small hands; she wiped away my tears.

"You love her," she said with a small smile.

"I would give her my last breath any day, take away her pain. Anything," I breathed out, allowing my thoughts out into the air.

"Write to her, let her know you will see her again."

So, I did.


After months of hiding, I decided it was time to follow up on my first letter to Bella. Everyday was hard and slow to pass; I had no idea about her state. I rubbed my temple, gripping my quill tightly. How do I even begin?


I wish I could have written you months ago. I wanted to everyday. Mum has decided I will be okay to be out of hiding, especially since Father is not present. You most likely know he has been caught and taken to Azkaban. The Ministry has cleared my mother and I. I haven't stopped thinking about you. I know my last letter said this, but I'm sorry, darling. I'm sorry I pulled you into nearly getting a Dark Mark. I couldn't see you hurt, tortured or killed. You know I wanted to save you and only did so to do exact that. Since I can be free, I will come to see you at some time this week. I cannot wait any longer. Send a letter when you can and tell me when the best time would be to come see you. I need you, Bel. Living is hard, especially since I can't recognize myself in the mirror. My demons keep drowning me and I'm too scared to sleep. I need you, you always took away my pain. I cannot wait to feel your skin and hear your voice, even if it's coming out in moans and whimpers. Not sorry for that, love, it's been a long few months with just my thoughts. I cannot wait to hear from you soon.


I walked to the window after sealing her letter with green wax. My owl rested on my shoulder, excited to spread her wings after months of staying indoors. I opened the glass and allowed for my feathered friend take the parchment before flying off, already knowing the destination. I flopped into my bed, feeling giddy that I could contact her again. I felt like a first year that saw a pretty girl for the first time. If she knew, she would never let me live it down. Bella would tease me for breaking out of my cold, insulting image. Yes, she was my weakness. But she was also my strength. A smile appeared on my face for the first time in months. I finally felt my muscles relax, as they've been in knots for as long as I can remember. It's been too long with worry and stress consuming me. I knew seeing Bella would make my world crumble, only for it to rebuild. But, I also knew seeing her would end in one thing and it was her with her arms tied back. Her small whines as I teased her, telling her she was being my good little slut and how she loved feeling me stretch her. I would be making sure she couldn't walk the next morning, having her finish around me as many times as she could handle. I would be finding the best angles and treating her body like I owned it.

It was hard with just my hand and my thoughts of how her tongue swirled around my tip, how I filled her and how she begged me to finish. I was desperate to have her now.


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