chapter sixteen - contact

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🕊Bella Makenna🕊

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🕊Bella Makenna🕊

My stay at the Weasley home was extended due to needing to go underground for a week. I knew I was going to have to tell Mum everything; I had no way to hide the cuts on my arm and head. Once we returned to the Burrow, we realized that the three were still gone. Ginny and I crept inside, wands out. There was damage, but they have had worse. I searched the first floor as the others decided to split up between floors. Fred stayed with me, walking at my pace. I grabbed the back door to open it, turning around and holding back an awkward laugh as the door slid off the gliding track. The twin broke out in a fit of hysterics; my cheeks tinted red, knowing this was going to be held against me.

The next few days were spent doing repairs and cleaning up the ruins of the wedding. As soon as that was over, Ginny and I set up a picnic consisting of sandwiches, chocolate covered pomegranates, fruits and such. We went and sat down in the field. The twins must have smelled food because they were soon out with us, sitting on the blanket. I rested my head on Ginny's shoulder as a wave of sadness hit me. The radio we brought out began to play the melody Draco and I would dance to. Sometimes, I would catch him humming it in Potions. He would never admit that. My trance being cut short as an owl landed gracefully next to me. I grabbed his message before taking some crumbs of bread into my palm and feeding him a treat. The three next to me looked at me, wanting to know who the secret parchment was from. I quickly opened it and my heart sank to my stomach. Draco. Before anyone could see, I slid it into my pocket.

"From Mum. So, Ginny, are you going back to Hogwarts in the Fall?" She nodded and I smiled on return. At least someone will be there with me. I never found out if Hannah, Susan, or Luna would be joining us. I missed them.

My thoughts went back to Draco; his letter was on replay in my head. He knew I was transporting Harry. He was there. What if he's the one that killed Moody? It hurt to swallow. Quickly, I excused myself and walked back to the house. My legs carried me up to the guest room where I was staying. Clarity was perched in her cage, looking at me curiously. I knew it was a bad idea to send an owl, but Draco would know that I received his letter. I grabbed parchment and my quill, biting my lip nervously as I sat at the desk.


Yes, I was one of the Potters. I was needed and I obliged for the safety of my friends. Also, another yes, blonde hair. Mum and I decided a change would throw off anyone that knew who I was because of you. You are so handsome when you shame me for the house I was sorted into! Not. Please, do not write back. It's not safe and you should know better. We are putting everyone in danger. If I see you again, I will. I cannot wait until that day. I hope you're doing well, Draco. Moody is dead, Hedwig is dead, a wedding was ruined. When will this end? Will it? Or have you decided to become what you were destined to be. Before insulting me, look at yourself, please. I did what was right; you did what your father told you to do. I can't be brave as a Hufflepuff, so I understand why you have no ability to be accepting. Hope to see you soon, Slytherin.


I never had the chance to stand up to Draco. Maybe it was because he could look at me with his icy glare and any confidence I had would vanish. It's a shame, really. What he said in his letter hurt me, bad. We haven't spoke in months and saw each other in life threatening events only. That's what he says to me? No, that doesn't slide. But, again it was a letter from him. Even though he's a judgmental twat, I saw the side of him no one else did. I knew things were getting worse for him on the other side; he was scared. Draco only turned on me when his fears swallowed his entire being. Once I sealed the letter, I grabbed Clarity and sent her off to the Malfoy Manor. I had to head home in a few days to pack my trunk to return to Hogwarts. I packed everything I wouldn't need into my bag. I dreaded leaving; it was so comfortable and carefree being here with friends. Going back to Hogwarts was going to be a difficult transition, considering Snape was the new headmaster and Death Eaters were professors. No one knew what was to come.


A few weeks later, I was back on the platform. Ginny and I sat with Luna after hugging our parents. None of us knew if we would be returning here. Neville, a Gryffindor, sat with us. I have never met him before, aside from seeing him around the castle and speaking to Hermione. He was very kind and tried to lighten the dark mist of a mood that was cast over everyone. Each minute seemed like a lifetime; it felt like we would never get to our destination. The tension grew when the train halted to a stop, rocking slightly. Our eyes grew wide, looking out the windows for any sign of mechanic failures. Black streaks flooded into the train.

"He's not here," Neville said, opening the door to the hall. In the blink of an eye, the Death Eaters stood before us. I felt a sharp pain on my bicep, looking to see that one of them had an iron grip on me and the one on Luna. I started to fight, trying to do anything and everything to break free. Before I knew it, we apparated to a room with a large amount of open space. Luna was next to me, her eyes wide in pain as she looked at my side. I got splinched. Why can't I have one good day?

I dropped to the floor as my body began to shake ferociously. The pain needed to subside; it was excruciating. I was scared; my heart was pounding and it wasn't helping my wound. Choking on screams and whimpers, I watched as Draco's parents walked in. They radiated dominance; I lay there, intimidates. A part of me hoped they would help, even though I knew they wouldn't. My white shirt stained with red and my vision became fuzzy. It was getting harder to keep my eyes open. Bellatrix came in, laughing. It sounded sickly, evil.

"Draco, come," his aunt said, her voice dripping in excitement. In my last few moments of consciousness, I saw him shamefully stumble in. Draco's eyes met mine before the world went black.

A/N: hellllloo!! next pov is prob draco idk?? i'm sorry for what's coming (;

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