chapter fourteen - celebration

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🕊Bella Makenna🕊

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🕊Bella Makenna🕊

George and I woke up late the next morning and we felt worlds better. The flow of blood had stopped, so we changed our own bandages and throwing the old ones in the bin.

"Tea or coffee?"

"I'll take a coffee, please," I said, thankfully. Everyone was already dressed, finishing their final touches of getting ready. George came back after a few minutes, his cheeks red. I looked up at him, questioning with my eyes and he laughed awkwardly.

"Harry and Ginny. Oh, I have to say I love the new hair."

I smiled, taking the coffee from his hand as he sat next to me. We sipped the hot liquid until it was gone. Slowly, I stood up and grabbed the bag I left in the living room nights before. Hermione came down the stairs, looking stunning.

"You look amazing, Mione," I smiled.

"Come upstairs, I can help you get ready quickly so we can help set up," she said, slowly ushering me up to the spare room. First, I brushed my hair and teeth. Then, I let her do my hair and makeup as she pleased. Once she was done, I pulled on my dress and a simple pair of nude heels. Hermione grabbed my hand and helped me down the stairs after unwrapping the wounds carefully. I followed her outside and began setting things up.

The ceremony was beautiful and filled with love. It was amazing something so simple, like a wedding, can bring us back to a sense of normalcy. I sat with Luna and her father, catching up. We ate a delicious meal before dancing. I remained in my seat, knowing my heart would ache trying to dance without his steady hands. George came up to me and offered his hand, noticing my sulking. I sighed jokingly and nodded; I got up, letting him lead me to the floor. We danced, clapped and forgot about the dangers that were in the near future. He spun me before the room darkened. A blue ball of light appeared, echoing a warning and repeating they were coming. Next thing I knew, black forms of smoke flew through the sides of the tent. Panic ensued. I knew who was behind this. Naturally, I began to look around to try and find one familiar set of eyes. Once the Death Eaters were present, I saw the one person who I have waited to see for months. The twins grabbed me, apparating us to a place underground.

"Why..." "This is our safe place, Bel. Everyone will be here soon." I nodded, my heart filled with worry. Where were my only friends in Gryffindor? Where was Luna? Ron's mum and dad? All of the guests? One by one, individuals entered the room. Makeshift beds were made and extra clothes lay next to them. Everyone changed and laid down, trying to clear the fact a beautiful wedding was ruined.

𓆚Draco Malfoy𓆚

The plan was to disturb the wedding once Potter got away. We knew Potter was going to be present; he wouldn't miss it. I felt uneasy, knowing that we would be ruining a wedding. I learned that Hogwarts sent the students home, so I had no fear that Bella would be in harm's way. She was safe at her Manor. She was with her parents and away from this plan.

We waited at my house until the night sky came. Everyone was dressed in the usual, grim black clothing. My icy glaze remained on the ground until we were sent off.

The transportation was quick; my feet landed in the middle of the wedding tent. I began scanning for Potter. My heart rate sped up when I saw a small blonde in a light pink dress; she was standing stiffly next to Luna and the Weasley twins. Is it couldn't be. I looked at the necklace that hung from her, seeing yellow and silver. I know those charms. That's Bella. Her forehead and arm showing a deep open wound. She was one of the Potter's last night. I could have been the one who hurt her. Before I could soak in her near appearance, she was gone. Everyone was. Had she changed her hair? I loved her dark locks. But, Bella looked absolutely stunning and I wished I could have been here as her wedding date. Her face held no emotion when she looked at me; she was gone before I could even blink. My blood ran cold after she was gone. It felt like the Winter Breeze had returned. I apparated home and felt that sense of loss all over again. She was right there. I could have held her in my arms. After months, I finally had gotten used to the lack of her. Tonight felt I ripped open an old scar. I had to heal all over again. But, she was alive and breathing. The things I wanted to do when those eyes locked with mine. I wanted to hold her, dance with her like we used to, lay her down and show her what I missed while away from her. I craved the feeling of my Hufflepuff.  Sometimes, I can still feel her small hands on my biceps or shoulders.

Pacing around the corridor, my thoughts kept going to Dumbledore. He knew it was coming and he knew I couldn't be the one to kill him. The late headmaster believed in me. His face as he fell from the tower replayed in my mind. I could feel my muscles tighten, regret flooding every inch of me. I could have walked away from the destiny my father created for me. I could have, but I didn't. I would be with Bella right now, protecting her from the family I was forced to have. I wouldn't let Bellatrix or my parents touch her. I would take the worst hexes, even death, for her. But this life is what I chose over the girl of my dreams.


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