chapter ten - numb

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  𓆚 Draco Malfoy𓆚

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𓆚 Draco Malfoy𓆚

Six more days and then, I'll be a murderer. I will have killed the headmaster. I began to feel sick, running to the bathroom to vomit. I had no choice, I never did. Guilt started to gnaw at me, I needed to talk to her and tell her how I feel before my wand gains a soul. Before I become the traitor of the Wizarding World. But, it's easier this way. I go about my day as usual before going to the Room of Requirement to check the cabinet. It's routine to constantly check. I heard a flapping and little thumbs on the sides of the wood. Confused, I open the door and see a small, white bird fly out. They sent a living thing and it lived. There's no turning back. My shoulders sagged; I decided there was no need to complete my work because I will be gone soon. Hogwarts will be destroyed by the Dark Lord. There was no point in even trying. Sadness overwhelmed me; I didn't want to kill or torture. I just wanted to change the family name into something positive, strong. Overwhelmed, Bella's rosy cheeks came to mind. She was wrapped in her warmest clothes, her face pale from the cold wind. I heard her laugh as she made a snowball and threw it at me, beaming. I tried to shift my thoughts, but I saw her at the Yule Ball. Her blue dress flowing as I spun her around, dimples deep on her cheeks. She held me with her warm hands and even now, I can still feel them. No, father said Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws were Blood Traitors. I would be the Dark Lord's target instead of Harry. Each Death Eater was a profound Slytherin. They married only Slytherins, birthing more. If I were to bring a Hufflepuff, my mother would even disown me.

Bloody hell. Five days. I saw her at breakfast this morning, she walked in as if she was walking on air. Bella was graceful, beautiful. Damn it to hell, I can't protect her. In this war, she will die. There's no point for me to tell her my feelings, tell her I'll come back to her, anything. So, I stay in my seat and poke at the food on my plate. My thoughts go to the Room of Requirement. Her face lit up from the fire, sharing every story possible she could. She told me everything about her family, her Patronus which is an owl as white as snow, her favorite Bertie beans. I even knew about her experiences with creatures. She loved and admired Phoenixes. I shook my head, getting up without a bite of my meal. Picking up speed with every step, I got to my dormitory and grabbed firewhisky off of the mantel. I laugh bitterly, looking at the clock as it shows the early afternoon. I poured a glass, getting it down my throat in one gulp. After an hour, I repeated that action multiple times. Eventually, the beverage hit and made me feel the slightest bit tipsy. I haven't ate, of course it would work faster than normal. I needed something to calm my nerves, so that's what I turned to. My thoughts blurred, I realized I would never forgive myself if I didn't warn Bella and she ended up hurt by one of them. I let out a frustrated, confused sigh. Every few minutes, the mark on my arm burned like a fire.

Four days until the beginning of war officially started. Each morning and night, I showered and scrubbed my skin to try and rid the mark from me. It never worked, but it was routine by now. I've rarely gone to classes, meaning I never got to see her in the halls or in Potions. Bella never admitted it but she was horrible at mixing the ingredients. Her brows always furrowed, her hair always ended up in a frizzy mess unless it was pulled back. I blocked out the thoughts once again, knowing the Dark Lord probably wants to get into my head and my thoughts. I laid in my room the entire day, spinning my wand in my slender fingers. Once again, she crept into my mind. Her voice as she commented on my dancing when we practiced in the room where all Hell is going to break loose. I never had memories strong or positive enough to conjure my Patronus more than once. But, with her smile in my head, I could cast hundreds of them to shield her from the dangers that lie ahead.

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