chapter five - yes

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🕊Bella Makenna🕊

After a long day, I went back to that corridor opening that Malfoy sat on with me. I sat down, looking out at the grounds as the crisp November air chilled my bones, even through my sweater and scarf. While staring off, I started to day dream about the plan I had for my life, like the good man I will marry, everything. But, everything came back full circle to the blonde haired boy who reeked of arrogance. I was snapped back into reality when a dark owl perched next to me, holding a sealed letter with my name scratched on the front. I didn't expect any letters, since Mum already sent one a few days back.

"Thank you," I smiled at the owl, hoping he grasped my gratitude. I reached in my bag to find some pellets to treat the mysterious owl. Keeping something for the owls is one of my favorite things, considering they do so much for the connections between witches and wizards. Once the bird flew off, I looked at the letter and decided to rip it open. With wide eyes, I read,


Meet me at 10pm at Room of Requirement, do not be late. Have things to discuss.

Draco Malfoy

Instantly, a grin broke out on my face and I got up after checking the time. No boy has ever sent me an invitation, much less a late night rendezvous. I let my legs carry me to the basement, through the common room, and up the stairs to my room. Laying down, I thought of what to wear since the cold seeps into the castle. I decided on warm sweatpants, as well as a large sweater with the Hufflepuff crest on the left chest. I didn't need to look classy, right? We were going to be sneaking around at night, so comfortable clothes make sense. Anxiously, I waited for 9:45pm to come. I filled the hours with studying and then I ended up sketching and shading intricate drawings. I worked until my hand was darkened with ink. Quickly, I washed it off and looked up at the clock on the wall. 9:45. I shoved my socked feet into slippers and headed off. After basically running up seven floors, I was out of breath and continued to journey to the Room of Requirement slowly.

The door appeared once I took a step forward, so I slowly headed in.

"Lumos," I said, barely a whisper. Draco wasn't here yet, meaning there was no source of light other than my wand. Shining brightness throughout the room, I found more old newspapers and gently set them ablaze, as I have done before in this room countless of times. After the small fire warmed me, I let my spell fade from the tip of my wand. After a few minutes, I heard someone slip in the door and I instantly knew the intruder was Draco Malfoy. I looked up through my lashes and gave a small smile as he came and sat across from me, near the burning bundle of paper.

"Hello, Draco," I smiled and he returned one back, nearly making my heart clench.

"You aren't going to the ball with Potter," he demanded, which took me by surprise because he certainly cannot tell what to do.

"And why is that?"

"Because I have to attend and I have no desire to see you two together. It makes me nauseous, so go with me, yeah?"

Dumbfounded. I sat there like a fish out of water, slowly blinking. I shook my head in response.

"No?" His eyes glinted in a challenge, as if I was prey and he was the predator. "You don't say no to me, Hufflepuff."

"No, Draco. I barely even know you!"

He inched closer to me, the fire still lighting up her defined features and warming his pale skin. Draco inhaled and then let out a hasty laugh.

"We have a month, you will get to know me. We can meet here every other night at this time. But you are going with me." There was no choice in the matter, really. I was in my own thoughts when I felt a cold hand drop to my thigh. Somehow, I felt his ring throughout the fabric of my pajamas. It was be a lie if I said I wasn't interested in him, but I simply couldn't be. We were oil and water, no meant to mix. But, again, he was determined to go with me and I didn't have the backbone to have him face rejection. With a quick nod, he slowly enveloped me in his arms. I sat entirely still, like a statue.

"Relax, Makenna," he muttered, annoyance was clear. I let my body lose tension, as I gave in to being held.

After a while of talking and getting to know each other by asking one question back and forth, I decided to put out the golden ball of burning paper and stand up to leave. I was exhausted from constantly doing assignments and studying. Draco looked the slightest bit healthier; the under part of his eyes were a little less dark and sunken in. I headed towards the door with Draco following suit, insisting to walk me at least half way to the dormitories. I denied and he nodded, giving a small smile before wishing a goodnight and then fading into the halls enveloping darkness. As soon as I got up to my room, I replayed the events of the night while my friends were fast asleep. I had learned his favorite foods and color - green, of course.We talked about our houses, friends, just ice breaker memories. Wait. What the hell just happened? Why did I give in and agree so easily? I was starting to think Harry was charming and kind, why did Malfoy have to come in with those icy eyes and reel me in? Thoughts kept running through my mind until I slipped into unconsciousness, my dreams filled with Hogsmeade and butterbeer.

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