nineteen years later

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🕊Bella Malfoy🕊

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🕊Bella Malfoy🕊

After our first son, Scorpius, was born, we decided that one wasn't enough. Apollo and Melody followed within the following three years. The oldest and youngest had the Malfoy features, leaving Apollo with my father's dark hair and bright eyes. With the fighting aside, Draco and I have flourished. We have three beautiful, intelligent children. I was so excited to see the three but, mainly, Scorpius grow into a man, even though it meant most of those years would be spent at Hogwarts.

So, here we were at King's Cross after all of these years. Scorpius was excited to finally see where we met and basically began the new Malfoy Legacy. On the other hand, Draco was impatient. He wanted to know his son was a Slytherin; the excuse was legacy, legacy, legacy...but I think he just wanted to be right. I knew our oldest would be a Slytherin, so I never pushed the idea of him being sorted into my house. The other two were questionable; I saw glimpses of all four house qualities.

I watched as Draco and Scorpius faded into the brick column, tearing up before following behind them. Apollo held onto my hand tightly as Melody trotted behind with her fist holding my jacket.

Once on the platform and reunited, we began saying our goodbyes to our oldest. I hugged him as close as I possibly could and kissed the top of his head.

"No matter what house you're put in, we will always be proud of you." He smiled, nodding.

"Love you, Mum. I'll make sure to write as soon as the ceremony is done."

Scorpius hugged Draco as soon as I let him go. A tug was given on my skirt and I saw Mel smiling up at me.

"Mummy, Uncle Harry is here!" She beamed and pointed, causing me to look up at my old friend.

Lily and Ginny came to me, leaving Harry to talk privately with Albus. The two girls instantly began giggling; Ginny pulled me into an embrace causing our perfumes to mix into a strong scent.

"How I missed you! Look at how big all of them have gotten," she said to me.

"Oh, I know! I haven't seen Albus in months and he looks like a charming young boy," I replied before asking where Hermione and Ron were.

"Just down the platform, right there!"

Almost on cue, they began their way towards us. Draco had made amends years old, only because I asked before our wedding.

The children began chatting before the four boarded the train, allowing us to discuss a reunion brunch or something similar.

Scorpius sat at a nearby window, waving to us before fading out of view.

We said our goodbyes to our friends before Draco scooped Apollo and Melody into both of his arms, apparating back home.

"Make sure to write," I said to Ginny and Hermione before following behind them.

After dinner, an owl perched on the window sill. A letter was set down before the barn owl flew off. I don't think I have ever seen Draco move so quickly for a letter, or in general.

He ripped apart the envelope and unfolded the contents. I watched his eyes scan the paper before a wide grin appeared.

"He's a Slytherin! I told you so! I told you he would be!"

"Draco, my love, Scorpius is a mini you. I already knew this was going to happen," I laughed before he pulled me up off the chair.

His hand grabbed my waist as he led us into a dance around the kitchen; kisses were constantly pressed to my skin as the kids complained before running off to get ready for bed.

"Can we celebrate how prideful I am tonight?" A wink was given as he held my cheeks and placed his lips to mine.

"Hush, that sounds so strange. Celebrating his house with sex?" I shook my head as he let out a chuckle.

"I swear I love you more and more everyday. You're still as beautiful as you were in school, just without my robes drowning you and your cheeks flushed after we get back from sneaking off."

Three years later

Apollo ended up being sorted into Slytherin, leaving our youngest to be alone in Hufflepuff. Draco knew she took after me, but there was still disappointment that he tried to hide. But, the children still looked out for each other. Especially for Melody, who was constantly teased by the boys' housemates. I told her how my entire family was Gryffindor, but that I was proud to wear the warm yellow of Hufflepuff. She learned to embrace it and her family name, learning Quidditch from her brothers and becoming a first year Seeker. She followed after her father, her uncle and Scorpius.

Our life together was so far beautiful and a once in a life time love. The kids were successful at school, as well as well liked. Boys flocked around Mel like a pack of puppies, as the girls with our sons. Draco gave himself the glory, saying they got his looks.

We still woke up every morning with an exchange of I love you, my Slytherin and I love you, Hufflepuff. Our sparks never faded, we were still electric.





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