chapter eighteen - forgiveness

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🕊Bella Makenna🕊

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🕊Bella Makenna🕊

Being in the same building as Draco was a sharp stab in my heart. While I laid my head on Luna, she told me that he healed my wounds. He didn't change who he was; his walls just were rebuilt. When he prodded his wand into my jaw, I knew he needed to show no mercy in order to stay safe. It was his only option and I would rather the pain than his death. With one word, my skin erupted in fire and it felt like I was burning from the inside out. Each round of the curse, I looked at Draco and saw his turmoil. He didn't want this. His heart broke each and every time Bellatrix demanded continuation. Luna and I were swept to the dungeon and there we remained until we heard the hallow sound of wood hitting the floor. Instantly, I crawled over and saw our wands, along with my mended necklace and a note. Draco. Luna came over and grabbed her wand after clasping my necklace back for me. His ring was still on there; he wanted me. Everything felt so surreal. Luna and I intertwined hands, apparating to my manor. Unfortunately, we knew staying at our homes would be dangerous. Our best bet was, somehow, Hogwarts. Luna knew that too. Without a doubt, the school wouldn't be the same without the one person that made going there enjoyable. But, our case was anything but normal. He was dangerous and being with him could put my family at risk. I shook my thoughts out of my head and sighed, Hogwarts needed me. Funny thing is, Hufflepuff buzzed about the upcoming war and every single person wanted to fight. Everyone was willing to give up their lives for this cause. It was an easy choice. Fight for something good and die.

Luna and I soon apparated near the Whomping Willow on the grounds of Hogwarts. Our trunks were most likely brought to the common room. As soon as we walked through the doors, we knew the atmosphere was different. It felt like everyone was holding their breath. Wanting to investigate, I parted from Luna and walked down to Hufflepuff, entering the large room. Classmates sat at the couches, silently studying. They looked up at the sound of Hannah gasping when I walked in; I was still covered in bruises and scars from the past events. She sat me down and began to tell me the new rules that were set in place when Snape became the headmaster. I wondered how one could stand there. He killed Dumbledore then took charge. The punishments for breaking any rule were severe. Torturous, I would assume. Hannah stopped mid sentence.

"Bel, did you know Draco came back?" My heart stopped. He was here. He came back. I shook my head, looking into my lap.

"Oh, well, he's here. Since it's nice outside, want to walk to Hogsmeade? We can get some butterbeer, now that you're back!"

Within minutes, we were walking down the corridor. I'm glad she didn't ask about any of the injuries. Godric knows that she would have a heart attack if she knew. I heard whispering to my right; my head quickly turned to see a blonde. Draco was speaking with Snape in the corner, away from any living thing.

"Bel, how was your break?" I saw Draco's eyes flash in my direction as soon as Hannah spoke. His attention was pulled away when he realized Snape was still speaking to him. I looked down, cheeks turning red, and picked up my pace.

"Good, I guess. But, it was unexpected, as you can see, and yours," I said, gesturing to my forehead. She began to speak about her time away and talked until we sat down. We ordered our butterbeer and I pulled my hair back into a low bun. Once the drinks were in front of us, they were empty in a short time. After paying, we decided to head back to the castle. I walked Hannah to our common room and decided to go up to the Room of Requirement. I knew he wouldn't be there, but I just need to relive those nights.

The door appeared and I entered. It was the same as before; the radio stayed in the same place where we left it. The only difference was it's atmosphere. This is the place Draco and I bonded, but it's also the place that Death Eaters stood before damaging everything in the castle. With a sigh, I sat down in the pile of sheets that we kept here so we could sit comfortably. Before laying back, I pulled off my sweater vest and loosened my uniform tie. Turning on the radio, my favorite song began to play. O Children. We always danced to this song. Humming, I pulled an old blanket around my body, missing his presence terribly. To make myself ease some of the sadness, I waved my wand gracefully and watched lilac bloom in my palm. These are Mum's favorite. I sat there for hours, hoping that Draco would wander in here to think of me. He never did and my eyes began to droop. I needed to get back to the common room before curfew started. I reached to the radio and turned it off, yawning. These weeks have been beyond exhausting, considering my body needs the rest from everything that has happened. I stood and grabbed my sweater and wand next to me. I set my flower on the desk, hoping that he would come at another time and see that I was here.

The walk back was as it always was, aside from the usual giddy, schoolgirl skip. As soon as I got in, I went up to my bed and laid down. Soon enough, I was wrapping myself around my pillow. Loneliness is the worst feeling. It was horrible knowing we were both here but refused to speak to each other. Although I had no apology from what happened back at his Manor, I forgave him. I just hope that he is able to be near me after that. I mean, he did torture me in front of his family.

But, I wanted to feel his hands on me again. He was so addicting and I constantly craved the feeling of his hand wrapped around my neck. I needed everything I had before he left and we were left in halves.

A/N: i'm SORRY it's late but yesterday was the first football game at my school and i was NOT okay! but here i am (: with another weird chap

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