chapter twenty three - avoidance

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🕊Bella Makenna🕊

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🕊Bella Makenna🕊

Waking up next to him was wonderful. I felt his arm draped over my waist. He turned towards me and his eyes showed his lack of sleep.

"Good morning," I beamed, moving my hand to delicately touch his cheek.

"Morning," he snapped, making me flinch.

What was wrong with him this morning? I shrugged it off and pecked his cheek. Draco eyed me as I stood and gathered my things while dressing. I could not have another mishap again, so I needed to double check to confirm which house crest I bore on my robes. His gaze never left me, even after I finished collecting everything and stood there.

"You can go." His voice was filled with envy, but he was hiding remorse. That stung.

I nodded, heading to the door and leaving without looking back. Draco gets like this a lot, but I know it's nothing personal. He had a controlling father, who refused to let him have any say in his own destiny. Draco was shown coldness from everyone in his life, aside from his mother. It's the only thing he knew and I'm sure he's not proud of it. But, there's nothing else to do when you grow up with a life planned out for you. Now, I have never actually met Draco's parents outside of my lone experience at the Malfoy Manor. By the way he looks at his family, I could easily tell there's discomfort and disconnection. It's hard to believe anyone was happy in that environment. Narcissa was beautiful, even though I was aware of her past. But, Draco was a spitting image of Lucius. It's not my place to even think of his family, it's rude. I trudged to the common room and up to my bed, letting my body fall onto the mattress. I had class today, but I couldn't bring myself to go. Draco's mood swings cause turmoil within myself. Every. Single. Time. He was so damn difficult, but I stayed and let myself fall because I knew no man would be as alluring as him. My perfect world consisted of two things: being in a loving relationship where I'm not walking on eggshells or Draco. But I would choose Draco over anything. I groaned, shoving my face into my pillow. It was a Friday, meaning I could go down to Hogsmeade. Wait, never mind, everything's been a ghost town since word got out about the war being at Hogwarts. Dumbledore would hate this, despise it even. Snape has turned the school upside down, meaning it was walking Hell. Everyone marched in lines, punishments from teachers got physical, and no one spoke a word. Privileges kept getting taken away every day. Ravenclaw and Gryffindor lost their common rooms, forcing them to go stay in one large room. Hufflepuff was, from what I infer, next. It made me sick. Everyone started packing their trunks to move, as well as brining along some of our house's favorite items and artifacts. I rolled onto my back and forced myself to stand, knowing I should get my things together too. All of us had the same feeling that we will lose our home today.

I hummed while putting my belongings in my trunk, trying to make the process easier. I didn't have much, considering I needed my uniforms for school and I brought barely anything compared to my prior years. I expected that the war would break out sooner rather than later. Finishing up, I went into the bathroom and began to get ready for the day. My movements were lethargic. I did not want to go to any classes today; my mind was caught up on that man with blonde hair. I sighed, looking at myself in the mirror and holding back a look of horror as I saw how dark my under eyes have become. My hair was in every direction. I genuinely looked a mess. I did not have any desire to attend classes, only because I knew Draco had a similar schedule and would be in the same room as me. His moods were hard to get through, so I tried to give him his space. Or allow myself some considering he gets beyond hurtful. I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder, going to the common room to gather with the rest of Hufflepuff. We filed into our line and walked out in uniform. Every leg, step, arm was in sync. It had to be, absolutely no mistakes. Year by year, we broke off to our classes. The hall echoed the clicks of our shoes, since there was nothing but silence. Once in the classroom, I loosened my tense muscles and went to take my seat. Slytherin and Gryffindor were already present, leaving Ravenclaw. Draco made no glance towards me as I passed, causing my heart to ache. The entire time, his head was down and he was staring at his fiddling fingers. Usually, I could feel his gaze on me but I didn't today. Class was dismissed and I turned to look at him. He was already up and out of the door. I couldn't stop my eyes from rolling.

The day was slow, as always, and I ended up with a large pile of work to do. I went and sat in the library, starting to do my assignments. Page by page, I finally finished. My hand and wrist ached. I picked up my belongings and walked out of the room that was filled with the aroma of old parchment. As I walked down the hall, clutching everything in my arms.

"Makenna!" I turned and saw Neville.

"Hi," I beamed.

"Have you heard about Hufflepuff?"

"No, what happened?" His eyes filled with sadness.

"Your common room has been closed, everyone has been rushing to get their things," he mumbled.

"I have to go pack my things." My heart ached.

"I'll see you in a while. You know what room. I'll set up your hammock bed," he said before I left.

I went down to the basement and into the common room. My housemates were gathered around, holding their trunks. I grabbed mine and walked right back down. The faces in the crowd were filled with emotions.

"Guys!" Everyone turned to face me.

"I know this is horrible, but we have everything we need and this is bringing us one step closer to being You Know Who. We need to find a silver lining in losing our home," I said, trying to lift the mood before following my friends out. As I trudged to the room where we would be staying, my eyes filled with tears. I kept my eyes straight before seeing a blonde out of the corner of my vision. We still haven't spoken and he follows the one who caused this downfall. Right now, it stung to even think of him.

A/N: bad chap but it's a filler bc u wanted more and i had writers block 😚 xoxo thank u sm for reading this! so happy so many ppl share my love for this story!

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