chapter twenty seven - ocean

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🕊Bella Makenna🕊

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🕊Bella Makenna🕊

Everything slipped away from me, leaving me in a sea of darkness until I felt my heart rate rocket when I saw the face of Voldemort. My eyes shot open and I was drenched in sweat.

"Bella!" My head pounded as Hermione gasped my name and ran off to grab Madam Pompfrey. I looked around, noticing I was still at Hogwarts. The familiar nurse walked in, holding a tray with water and food.

"Dear, you have questions, don't you? You have been out for about a week now. Your body and mind were overly exhausted and when you received the hex, your system shut down," she said softly, gently setting the tray on my lap.

The Golden Trio came in and my heart skipped as I saw them all in front of me, alive. They sat at the foot of my bed and the surrounding chairs.

"Neville killed Nagini! Oh, oh! Harry claimed the Elder Wand and then snapped it in half!" Ron kept gushing about the ending of the war, telling me what I missed. But, that wasn't what I wanted to hear.

I couldn't find my voice. Not that I lost the ability to speak, I just didn't want to. I knew once I opened my mouth, I would fall into the fear that surrounded me. Waiting for Ron to stop, I pointed to Draco's ring that remained on my hand.

"We don't know, Bel. I do know his father was found days after they left here. No one has heard from him, not yet at least. The Ministry is supposedly considering freeing both him and Narcissa due to Lucius forcing them into it," Hermione explained.

When I was able to move on my own, I snuck down to the dungeon that was as empty as a ghost town and into Draco's room. I packed up his things that he left here, enjoying every second of being surrounded by the smell of him.


A few days after Madam released me, I was sent home to my family. I haven't spoken a word, even to them. When I walked into the front door, I saw a letter on the counter. I dropped everything in my hands and grabbed it. Draco. My hands hastily ripped it open; I scanned through his words of endearment to see that he was in hiding and couldn't contact me until it was safe. Augustus came down the stairs after a few seconds and stopped at the bottom, staring at me.

"Bella?" He ran over and pulled me into a bone crushing hug. "I thought you were dead. We haven't heard anything."

More creaks sounded throughout the house as my parents came in. Gus was crying in my shoulder by the time they came and embraced the two of us. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. I just let my family hold me as I stood in silence. Crying wouldn't bring back Fred or Collin or Remus or anyone.

That week was difficult. Nightmares filled my sleep and by Thursday, I was refusing to go to bed. Instead, I laid outside on the cool grass and watched the stars. No one ever noticed until Sunday when Gus was awake and followed me out, sitting down next to me. His arm wrapped around my shoulder.

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