chapter thirty one - vows

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🕊Bella Malfoy🕊

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🕊Bella Malfoy🕊

After a month of rushed planning, the wedding was today. Hermione, Luna and Ginny were to stand by my side. Draco let me choose everything, leaving our color theme to be black, gold and his green. He had my brother, Ron, and Harry stand with him. Narcissa asked to hold the ceremony on the land of the manor; Lucius was jailed so he was not attending. Yet, we didn't seem to care.

While I stood in the living room, the girls began their routine to get ready. I began to feel nauseous, as if my stomach were knotted.

"Mione, I need a bin now. Please," I said, my skin feeling cold and clammy.

She ran over with the can and held my hair back as I emptied the contents of my stomach. Ginny brought me a glass of water before sitting down to finish her hair. I moved to sit next to her, watching Luna turn to me.

"Is it a possibility you're with a child?" My heart stopped as she spoke, allowing her hands to rest on the center of my stomach.

"You are."

Her smile stretched as she nodded; the other two were shocked. Filled with fear, I remained silent and began to get dolled up for my wedding. My hands shook as I attempted to apply makeup.

"Let me help," Hermione said, taking the items from my hands and beginning to start the look we planned.

As she did this, Ginny turned and started doing my hair. These actions calmed my nerves and I rested my palm on my belly button. My hair was pinned in an elegant bun with curls stray pieces. Mum and Narcissa walked in, arms looped together.

"Draco is upstairs, almost ready. How are you, darling? We can help," Draco's mum spoke.

"No, but I do have something for you two and my soon to be husband."

Next to me, I had three small gifts for them and three more for my bridesmaids. I grabbed the bags and handed them out accordingly. Each bridesmaid was given a small locket, holding a picture of us all in school and it faded into Hogwarts. For my mum and Narcissa, I purchased charm bracelets that were engraved. My mum had I am always your little girl and Mrs Malfoy had Thank you raising the love of my life. Everyone opened their gifts, tears pooling in their eyes.

Draco got a ring with a snake and a badger molded into the silver. It was for the finger that no longer had the ring from our bet. The mothers left to go outside with Molly Weasley.

I shrugged my dress on, looking at the lace sleeves falling on my elbows.

My three friends began dressing in their mismatched green dresses and setting the golden butterfly pins in their locks

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My three friends began dressing in their mismatched green dresses and setting the golden butterfly pins in their locks. My gift lay on their neck. They looked beautiful, elegant. Once finished, Mum called for them to head outside to assist with setting up the tent. Gus knocked, slowly opening the door as I fiddled with my bouquet.

"Bells, are you okay?"

"Gus, I need to tell you this but you cannot say anything. Sibling's word?"

"Sibling's word."

"I might be pregnant. Well, Luna sensed that I am," I whispered.

"Congratulations, baby sis. You'll be a great mom and I'll be an even better uncle," he said, pulling me into a tight hug.

George came in too, dressed nicely. My brother kissed my forehead before leaving the last of the twins with me.

"Freddie would love this. He always fancied you, but he would have been so happy for you."

"He's here, Georgie. With Cedric. They're present today."

George sat next to me and I rested my head on his shoulder as we sat in silence. Time seemed to move quickly; Hermione came to get the two of us to begin the wedding. I took a deep breath and pulled the necklace with the ring and charm to my lips to kiss it. My father stood by my side as the girls walked out with the three boys.

"I am so proud and happy for you, sweetie," he said, pulling me into a tight hug before we began our walk.

Eyes laid on me until I got to the alter, but my gaze never left the icy stare of my sweet Slytherin. I moved up to stand across from him and found it difficult to listen to the pastor.

"You may say your vows."

I took a shaky breath.

"Draco, my sly Slytherin, I can remember the boy who thought he was dying from a Hippogriff kick, the boy who wore his rings even when they were too big, the boy who sabotaged the Dumbledore's Army. While I remember you throughout our first few years and without a doubt despised you, I fell in love with the man who wandered into the Room of Requirement and ruined my studying. The man who danced with me in the spaces that were clear, the man who cried because he was filled with fear in our last two years. I love you, endlessly and without question. Forever. I promise to take care of you every morning and night, good or bad days. And I promise to take care of our growing baby."

Tears brimmed my eyes, as everyone gasped on my announcement before clapping silently. Draco's jaw dropped and he moved his palm to my cheek, stroking the skin with his thumb.

"My darling, Bella, you always made my heart skip a beat. Our first year, your laugh was annoyingly contagious. I can remember spinning you around the Great Hall and I cannot wait to hold you in a dance tonight, everyday in our kitchen. You have changed every part of me, giving me a reason to find the good. You are my light, my love, my oxygen. You make living worth it. Can I just kiss the bride now? She looks too beautiful not to."

A smile spread on our faces, causing my tears to drop down my cheek. He pulled me to his chest, pressing his lips to mine before the sealing words of You may kiss the bride. His hands found our rings and put them on the both of us. Mine was engraved with our names, covered in diamonds that reflected our house colors and one of the pictures from Yule Ball when an enchantment was said. His, on the other hand, was a black ring that had my name inside of the metal.

He picked me up, rushing down the aisle and towards the tent. Then, the party began as glasses were filled endlessly and food was passed around.

"Bella, are you actually pregnant?" Draco whispered in my ear, causing me to nod slowly.

I felt his muscles tense before he reached for the champagne and quickly drinking it.

"You won't be anything like your father, love." My hand gently stroked his cheek as I smiled.

While hearing congratulations, I watched everyone celebrate and dance. Draco stood and pulled me to the center of the room, resting his hands on my side. My hands went to his shoulders as we began to sway with everyone surround us. We moved slowly until the music picked up and the two of us went to our friends, goofing around with our dance moves.

Tonight was filled with love, surprises and warmth. Something the Malfoy's couldn't believe was in their home.

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