chapter thirty two - home

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𓆚Draco Malfoy𓆚

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𓆚Draco Malfoy𓆚

As soon as our night ended, we kissed our parents' cheeks and hugged them tightly. Bella held my hand, her dress flowing behind us. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her all night; she looked like a goddess. The gift she got me was on my left pointer finger, accompanied by the wedding ring.

"I love you, darling. You looked beautiful tonight, but that's no change to your usual. Let me apparate us home."


Before she could ask another question, we stood in front of our own manor. The bricks were a beautiful shade of grey and it overlooked her favorite sea.

"This is ours?" Her voice was soft, shocked.

"Yes, I know you love this beach so I got us a place here. I've had together for months and it's been ready since then."

She took off her heels and pulled up the train of her dress before running in. I shook my head, following her. Bella looked around then turned to me with a bright smile and grabbed my hand once again. My arm was pulled, closing the space between our bodies.

"My lovely husband, can you help me get out of this dress? It has a bit of weight on it," she said as she turned her back to me.

My hands grabbed her waist as I placed a kiss on her neck. Bella shuddered, goosebumps rising on her skin when my fingers slowly began to untie the corset back. Every few strands, I pressed my lips just under her ear and whispered how she teased me all night without trying. Before I finished her corset, I pulled at my tie until it was off and unbuttoned my dress shirt. Bella let her hair fall from her bun; her locks cascaded down her back.

"Can we be romantic? You carry me up the stairs?"

"Darling, we aren't making it up the stairs," I mumbled as I slid her dress down to reveal a scandalous lace set.

My eyes raked down her body, leaving me in awe. Silently, I bent Bella over the arm of our new sofa. She giggled but it only angered me, considering she thought this was a joke. I gave no warning as I let my palm fall onto her left asscheek.

"Come on, Bells, be good for me on our wedding night," I said before I moved my fingers over her covered core.

She whimpered before pushing back into my hand. I told her to be good, so I had to follow my own words and let her have what she wants. Unfortunately, I didn't want anything other than me inside of her. I couldn't wait, so I unbuttoned my pants and pulled those with my briefs to mid thigh.

"Any noise and I go deeper." I pushed myself into her, biting my lip as I felt her form to me.


We laid on our bed; I eventually had to carry her up the stairs after a few hours of tainting the downstairs.

"Bel, will I be a good father?"

I was filled with fear but that melted away as soon as I felt her hand caress my cheek. Bella shifted and pressed a kiss to my forehead; her body was covered and wrapped in the silk sheets.

"You're going to be amazing, my love. I won't let
you be anything like your father. Hopefully, we get a Hufflepuff," she whispered as a smile formed and her white teeth were visible.

"Thank you, Bel. For everything." My fingers brushed through her hair.

"How could I not stay with a handsome man?"

I loved her, I do love her. Bella made my heart beat and skip at the same time. She was my biggest supporter and loyal to my family. It was only right that she wore my last name. We were going to be something special and even better parents. She was so gentle, loving and bright. I didn't have much to offer but a name filled with ruin and a surplus of money. As my newlywed laid next to me, I knew my son or daughter would be my pride and joy. They would never have to worry about dying young, or war, or hatred between blood. I was going to be the first Malfoy man who is patient, who lets my children decide on their own. They are going to be great, especially if they're anything like Bella. I never will understand how I got someone so kind and strong to love me, to stick by my side.

We left our window open to listen to the crash of the waves on the shore. I sat up, only to lean down and rest my head on her stomach.

"Hi, little one. It's your father. You probably can't hear me, but I think you would be a fine Slytherin," I whispered, but was welcome with a soft slap on the head and the sound of Bella's giggle.

"Don't listen to Mum. She thinks she's oh so exceptional because she risked her life for me. Hey, I never asked her to. Just remember I will always be her favorite. You better not cause cravings because I do not want to be at your Mummy's beck and call."

My hand rested next to my head. I had a family of my own; I had a beautiful wife, a baby on the way and more in the future.

"Hey, my love. Your breasts seem a bit swollen, not sure how I didn't notice before, especially when you were bounci-"

"Draco! Not next to the baby," she laughed with a roll of her eyes.

She reached to me, convincing me to pull her into my arms and hold her. I hummed silently as I stroked her hair again. If only I was able to relive tonight, or everyday I had with her. I wondered how I functioned before her, only because I'm not sure I even did. No one had given me a choice, a chance.  But, Bella did and I ran with it. Nothing felt bright when she wasn't around. I had found my soulmate, the other half of me.

She is my everything.

A/N: PLS READ MY FRED STORY PLS!! Epilogue is next my loves! Thank you for sticking with me (:

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