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Yuno P.O.V. 

I wake up the next morning and head to my apartment my body still hasn't completely recovered that idiot said 'I'll be gentle' but I think his definition of gentle is screwed not that I mind, but he shouldn't use such terms so loosely.


I spend weeks being proactive in the streets the rest of the league has been planning something big too.

I got a call from Shigaraki asking for help, some meeting with a yakuza thug went sour but now they are teaming up

leave it to Shigaraki to lose key players on the chess board.

I warp over to the house and Shigaraki tells me the plan. I have to join toga and twice as temp squad members of the yakuza Which just sucks.

I am still exhausted from working myself to death though on the plus side my hero ratings have jumped I actually might make it out of the top 30 and into the top 20 this year. 

"sorry Shigaraki I won't be available for a while I have faith you won't fail this time go show that Yakuza thug who runs the underworld"

Some time passed and Jeanist started pairing me up with hawks my ratings escalated after a rumour that I was dating hawks it kind of pissed me off though.

Dabi P.O.V.

Recruiting is supposed to be easier than this but all I can find is just trash people it's getting on my nerves I turn around and come face to face with the pro hawks, "got room for one more?"

I don't get what the league is doing recruiting him, he's alone, but that's not reason enough to trust him this might be a trap but still if he's just playing us it won't make much of a difference if I play my cards right.

"no, you can leave"

it's been exactly 2 weeks since he's been with us. I text Kurogiri to warp me over to the hideout I get in my room and think this situation over

if he's trying to infiltrate the league I need a way to get him to cooperate but this is good I can work with this arrangement.

In fact I like the way the odds are tipping in my favour.

Yuno P.O.V.

I wake up and check the time it's 10AM I'm in my room. 

How the hell did I get here? I get up and pull the sheets off I throw them in the washing machine and jump in the shower. 

This is just a disaster I must be dreaming I remember sky gazing.  Now I smell like Dabi and I can't shake the feeling of his arms around me

maybe he came to see me and put me in my bed. Ugh. This sucks, I'm dreaming that's all there is to this

showering I scrub my annoyance and agitation away I get dressed and my body feels heavy clothes are such a heavy weight on my shoulders how do people survive all day in these?

nah I'm changing out of these I keep the sweatpants but take off the shirt I walk into the living room. Dabi is passed out on my carpet I roll my eyes.

"good morning" he greets with his eyes still closed. 

I look at Dabi seriously why is he here? walking up to him I use my foot to turn him over he was sleeping on his side now he's facing upward. I sit on his crotch feels real enough to me I must be lucid dreaming.

"hey lover boy, wake up now or I will kill you"

his eyes slowly open he looks over at me his mind registering what it is I'm doing his member below me is very jumpy

Dabi sits up and his lips crash into mine, such a steamy make out session. I get off of him and stand up

"what the fuck are you doing in my house?" 

"hiding out, why are you so angry, you just woke up"

"I don't know but I'm in a painting mood are you staying here?" he nods and lies back on the carpet

well suit yourself. I warp over to the private room.

 I've painted 2 paintings and I still feel a weight on my chest the hell is wrong with me? maybe I need a drink I shower for the 20th time today

Ugh, this suck. there's no way I'll enjoy myself feeling like dog crap.

Warping to my room I sit on the floor Kurogiri warps in with a plate. "I know you haven't eaten all day"

  "sorry Kuro, can I eat later" 

"I will not be leaving till you clean this plate" great he's on papa Kuro mode

"yes sir"

I eat the food I wish I could open a warp gate in my stomach and let it pass through every bite makes me nauseous the food tastes good that I can't deny but I don't want to eat it.


I give him the plate and hold back the vomit till he leaves the room I teleport to the bathroom and bring it all back up the sickening feeling won't go away.

I warp to the kitchen for a glass of water Kurogiri already has one ready for me.

"I'm sorry Yuno, I shouldn't have forced you to –" 

crap I just threw up on the guy.

I apologise profusely and lie down on the couch. I wake up after a nap. 

I warp to the game room I might as well create a clone seeing as how my usual gaming companion is bunking at my place. the screen loads and I put on the headphones

I was doing just fine for a few hours but then felt nauseous again.

 I warp to my bathroom, this time it's just dry heaving. I close the toilet seat and burry my face in my arms on top of the lid.

I spend a while longer in front of the toilet seat but nothing happens. I stand up and walk back to my room, Dabi is on my bed.

  Tch, what is with this guy and invading my personal space. I walk over to the bed and lie next to him, he stares back at me for some reason I just want to slap his mouth with my mouth my eyes scan his lips look into his eyes before I turn over and face the opposite direction.

I really want to turn around though, dammit why do I feel like this. 

Dabi's hand rests on my waist, "turn around" 

I comply and roll over his hand lands back on my waist his eyes looking at me more like looking through me. 

His lips crash into mine we make out for I don't know how long till we sit up and spend all night talking in the time vault.

It was peaceful until Dabi imagined raining cats and unless he makes them disappear if I break out of the time vault they will be all over my room

I lock myself in a cat proof bubble while he is just enjoying himself they finally vanished and I immediately got us out of there.

Dabi has a twisted sense of humour at times. 

I fell asleep half way through counting the stars on the ceiling.

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