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Yuno P.O.V. 

Yuno youre late the hell took you so long?

Dick, now what are my orders? 

High end nomu are all over Nagano, casualties will be too high to count. I need you to warp over there stat 

I arrive in the city, and its a mess Endeavour yells at me for being late too.

They all over the entire city or a specific Area? 

The entire city

I make as many clones as I can locking civilians individually in the time vault once they're all out of the way we can finally go all out.

Any civilians I missed? 

Theres a few here

My clones get on it, looking over every inch of this city. I get into the time vault doing a census of sorts.

Please evacuate slowly it may look like youre in the city but youre not, before we leave please find your families if theres anyone who isnt here tell me where to find them my clones will help you out once youve got everyone I open a few warp gates.

If youre sure about everyone being here walk through the gate 

The evacuation is complete, Mitsuko shatters my time vault I forgot her quirk is space manipulation meaning she can destroy my time vault if she pleases.

Well done, the whole city is evacuated 

I take in a deep breath; Ive been practicing this move as a means to counter Twices sad mans parade, but it was also inspired by it I release thousands of clones that go around the city.

  15 minutes later and Im lying on a roof top exhausted.

The nomu just ignore me so no need to poke a sleeping bear my only concern was the people anyone else is not my problem. 

Stain stares at me and I just roll my eyes, Arent you going to help?

I already did, didnt you see? My priority was the people the nomu wont touch me so I dont want to provoke Shigaraki and let him change his mind you know how he can be 

So, what was that thing you did all those dead bodies reassembled and turned into people again

  Its a secret I watch him cut down the hero, Arent you going to stop me? 

Werent you listening? My priority is the people that was just another hero and villain fighting and the villain won. I dont care what you do just as long as an innocent person doesnt have to get involved he signed up for this, besides I can just bring him back though since youre here want to spar? 

Spar? Are you serious? 

Yeah, I heard youre good maybe I could learn a thing or too. One rule no quirks either wise Id kill you too fast 

Get up then girl  I stretch and pretend to attack only to rewrite the heros death.

Go, Ill handle him

Not bad, you can hold your own against me but I can tell youre slowing down if this fight continues Ill have the upper hand

Shut up, Ive still got some fight left Yeah right, my legs give out and I fall to my knees and my hands are numb. I can still fight dont count me out just yet

Dabi P.O.V.

She lost consciousness; Stain picks her up. You sure did have some fight left heroes surround Stain and we stand behind him.

We still out number them right? With her out of commission Twice gives us the number advantage

Yeah, thats right Shigaraki smiles and looms over Yuno.

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