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Dabi P.O.V.

Crap all these people are so loud.

“from class 1-A we have Saikai Todoroki vs his twin brother and class mate Raiden Todoroki, begin”

Raiden attacks first, with flame and lightning one after the other, Hiryu is cheering for both of them so loud I’m getting light headed just listening to him.

The fight goes on in an endless back and forth until Raiden uses ice and lightning together catching kai off guard long enough to kick him out of bounds Next fight is Haruki vs Ness, I didn’t know Haruki can form plates of armour on his body, he has his ears covered so Ness is at a disadvantage, the fight ends with Haruki as the winner but ness put up a good fight anyone else she would’ve gotten them with her quirk.

The finals are between Raiden and Haruki, with Haruki as the winner, kid is strong and a level headed fighter, he was always steps ahead of Raiden, it was almost like he knew what he would do before Raiden himself knew. 

“you disgraceful brothers, you cant even win a stupid festival”

“wow, he is one mean little brother”

“I know right, we were fine with just the 2 of us until he came along”

“say that again you losers, I’ll take you both on” The twins are all fired up.

“come on than, I’d like to see you try”

Haruki knocks the twins out and drags them away, “losers don’t get to talk so big, besides he can use more than one dragon now, you’re dumbasses would be burnt to a crisp” 

“well, I really want to go home, it’s so boring just watching, I miss fighting bad guys and whatever. Things were so much easier than”

“I’ll be the villain you be the hero how about that”

“you just read my mind”

I laugh at the irony, as we wait for a while before we can see the boys again, with the dorm system we rarely see them, and in 3 years they’ll be heroes while Hiryu decided he will go off to college, he doesn’t want to be a hero, he wants to be a doctor but a lot can happen so I wouldn’t hold him to it just yet. 

“come on half and half let’s go”

Well he asked for it, I just stand by the corner while yuno tries to hide. “hey dad, mom hiding from us?”


“no, I just don’t want to explain that my kids are out of control wild kids because than someone else says –"

“that’s what you get for always being a pain” 

“kamui quit bullying, hey takeyama looking older than ever”

“what was that you brat?”

Well this is the part where I hide from my wife who is totally embarrassing me. Wife? I walk over to yuno there’s a ring on her finger, she gives me a confused look.

I remember, I had to choose between staying with yuno and the boys or going out on a mission with the liberation, yuno begged me to stay and went so far as to lock me into tartarus before the initial attack.

I spent a year in there and when I got out I found out the entire liberation was set up, shigaraki and everyone who went is locked into tartarus, Dee didn’t go for personal reasons, the rest of team rogue it was because they follow yuno’s lead no mtter what. 

So here I am in UA with a wife and kids and a clean slate, all because you never gave up on me.

“you okay?”

“I just really love you”

The floor cracks and I fall through it, this quirk needs a better exist for real, and couldn’t you let me kiss her first, so not cool. Dammit she’s rubbed off on me.

  I wake up and yuno is in my arms, we had a wild night and came back in the morning I take her hand into mine and run my thumb over her ring finger.

She opens her eyes and looks at me. "Morning"


I kiss her and she gives me a confused look, "I'm gonna marry you some day Yuno Lin, and I will make you the happiest wife in the world"

"You mean that Dabi?"

"Call me Toya, for you it's Toya Todoroki"

"I love you Toya Todoroki"

"I really thought I'd end up alone, but than you showed up and kissed me. I actually got the girl and the happy ending"

"Shut up and kiss me. Save that crap for your wedding vows"

We kiss and I feel warm inside, this warmth is just comforting, it's like a scorching heat untamed and spreading through out my body, it's a wild fire burning away the last bits of my old self.

I was in the dark until your light fought for me, I'm not a whole new man but I am a better man.

For you Yuno Lin, I'll be the good guy, the average Jo and best husband and father because your being happy makes me happy and I'm addicted to the feeling

"Dad, can I get a twin brother too, they are mean to me"

"Hey, don't you knock? Besides you can't get a twin but I'm thinking a little sister would be cool"

"You carry her"

"I would if I could Yuno but I can't, come on please, just one more chipmunk"

"If you're serious about marrying me, on our wedding day I'll change my answer, for now it's no"

Kaen stomps off and we both run after him to cheer him up, "doesn't your mom look beautiful"

"Mom's always beautiful"

She blushes and smiles, I want that smile to always be there and never fade away.

I hold her close and kiss her lips, "thank you, for this happy ending"

"You're welcome dabi, but now it's Toya's start line you ready?"

"With you by my side, there's nothing I can't do"

Goodbye Dabi. Burn away so you can leave your darkness in the dust and walk into the light.

The light that is my family.

"Morning Dad"

"Hey old man, you look happy, what? you finally get a job"

"Something like that"

The twins jump me and we talk about their sleep over while yuno sleeps in my arms.

"Did I ever tell you I love you guys"

"No, but now we know"

"That was so random"

"I know right"

I laugh as I get roasted by my sons I keep thinking I'll wake up any moment and realise it's all a dream.

Am I dreaming right now? Maybe, but if given a chance to live out this dream, I'd say yes in a heart beat.

The end.

*authors note: if you guys think there should be a sequel let me know via comments. I'm still undecided about this being where it ends or not.

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