Chapter 1

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10 Years ago. (Age 5 or 6)
Bakugou's POV
"Wow Bakugou! Your quirks is so cool! When did you find out?" "Tch. I founded out a few days ago! My quirk is better than all you weaklings! with this quirk I'll defiantly become the number one hero!" I said proudly. I was hoping my quirk would be awesome and it was. All these losers knew nothing and would never be great. Especially that Quirkless Deku. "Wow Kacchan! That's so amazing. I hope when I get my quirk it will be as cool as yours!" He was freaking estatic. His eyes were basically gleaming with happiness. It made me sick to think he would ever be at great as me. "You dumb Deku! Your just a Quirkless loser. Even if you did get a quirk it will never be as good as mine!" I went on ranting and was soon interrupted by the teacher. "Ok quiet down class. I have something to tell you all." The kids quieted down and we made our way to the rug and sat down in front of our teacher. It looked like something or rather someone was standing behind her. "Today we have a new student joining us. Her name is Sienna Kingsley. Please make her feel welcomed! You can come on out now sweetie." I turned my eyes behind the teacher to see a small girl peak out from behind her. She was wearing a small black dress. Her hair was long and silver almost white. Her bright blue eyes had a slight glow to them. I looked down her body to see her covered in bandages. Parts of her arms and legs were wrapped. She had her left eye Bandaged as well along with the right side of her lower cheek. I then noticed she was clutching a brown stuffed bunny. The bunny was almost as big has her body. She just stared at us. "Ok class. Please be nice to ms.Kingsley. You guys can go back to playing." The teacher stood up, patted Sienna on the head and walked back to her desk. Everyone went back to where they were playing. Sienna walked over to the reading corner and sat facing away from everyone. "Wow she is really pretty!" One of my followers said. "Yea I wonder if she would like to be my girlfriend!" Another asked. "Ha! Like she would date any of you losers. If anyone should date her it should be me!" I said proudly smiling. The followers agreed as we made our way to her. "Hey! Your Kingsley right?" I asked her while tapping her shoulder.

She flinched slightly and turned around. Her eyes looked sad and full of sorrow and pain. She looked like she was struggling to hang on to the life she had. As stared into her eyes I noticed she nodded her head. I offered my hand out to help her up and she took it. She stood in front of me looking at me and my groups behind me clutching her bunny. "Well I think your pretty. Do you want to be my girlfriend?" I don't know why but I was a bit nervous when she didn't say anything. She stared at me for what seemed like forever. "W-well are you g-gonna answer?" I was getting irritated at how long she was taking. Soon she nodded her head and I took her hand in mine and made an announcement to the class. "OI! TO ALL THE LOSERS IN THE CLASS. THIS IS MY GIRLFRIEND! IF ANYONE OF YOU TOUCH, LOOK, OR EVEN THINK ABOUT HER ILL BEAT ALL YOUR ASSES!" The whole class looked scared as I was scolded by the teacher for my language. I turned to Sienna who was now looking down at the floor. "Hey. What's your favorite chocolate?" She looked up at me tilting her head slightly. "Well...what is it?" I took her hand in mine and looked at her. "What is it? You can't speak or something? What is wrong with you?" I was a bit worried. She haven't said a word all day. She looked at me and back down to the floor. " you can't speak. That's it right?" She looked back up at me with small tears daring to swell in her eyes. She nodded and looked back down at the floor. I felt my heart sink. She was sad and I didn't like it. I pulled her into a tight hug making her drop her bunny. She tensed up. I don't think she was use to this type of affection. She soon relaxed a bit and returned the hug. I pulled away and grabbed both of her hands looking a bit down on her. "You don't have to speak. I'll speak for you." I placed a soft kiss on her cheek which made her cheek turn red. Soon the day went on and she started to write stuff on the white board to answer my questions. I took her hand and walked out to the front of the school where our parents awaited. My mom showed up first. "Oooo Katsuki who's this?" She bent down in front of Sienna. "This is Sienna Kingsley. She is my girlfriend!" I said. My mom laughed and looked at Sienna. "What's so damn funny! She is my girlfriend" I was getting angry. My mother chuckled and ya both into a hug. "Well I'm glad you found someone Katsuki! So where are your parents sweetie?" My mother asked pulling away from us and standing up. Sienna just stared at her while my mother started to feel uncomfortable. "Old hag! Sienna can't speak!" I scolded her. She looked shocked. "Oh my I'm so sorry. I didn't know!" She looked down at Sienna apologizing. Sienna didn't pay any mind. Soon I noticed a black limousine pull up. The windows were tinted so I couldn't see inside. The window in the back seat rolled down slightly. I noticed a dark haired female sitting in the back on the opposite side. "Oh hello! You must be Sienna's mother! My name is Mistuki!" My mother proceeded to introduce herself. The women didn't say anything. She rolled her eyes. "Sienna...get in the car. Now." Her voice was cold. It sent chills down my spine. Sienna quickly let go of my hand and tried to open the door. She was to small to reach the handle. It seemed the women was becoming inpatient and the door was opened by her from the inside. Sienna got hit in the head by the door and fell onto her butt. I ran over to her to see if she was ok, but she quickly got up and climbed into the car. She closed the door and drove off. She left me there standing staring at the back window. "Well then. That was quite unexpected. Let's go home bud." My mom said as we walked home.
-1 year ago- (age 14 or 15)
Bakugou's POV
It's been almost 10 years since me and Sienna been dating. She learned sign language and I learned it to so I could understand what she was saying. That damn Deku learned as well. She was friends with him which pissed me off. She doesn't really communicate to others. The only time I see her using a lot of sign language is when she is talking to me or Deku. She only laughs and smiles when she is with me though. She usually keeps her calm soft expression on her face. No emotion though shows. Just like the first time I met her. We have been to each other houses. When I am at her house no one is home and everything is quiet. It's a bit freaky. She seemed on edge every-time I came over so to make her feel better we just went over my house. We played, studied, made out, and had sex together. I took her out on dates and cursed everyone who even looked at her. Even though she didn't do anything. She would usually just stare at them or just look down at the ground. We found her quirk out a few weeks later after she first arrived. Her quirk was called heavens light. She had the ability to use the light however she pleased. She could manipulate it into white lighting which would cause storms, she could shoot beams from her hands, she could create balls of light and throw them, she could teleport anywhere in the speed of light. Whenever she teleported there would be a bright flash of light. She could only teleport to people or places she has been or touched in the last hour. It makes her extremely tired when she over uses it. She is really good at fighting though. One day we sparred and she beat me. She was holding back, I could tell but she beat me. She made me want to become stronger. She never showed it off her quirk though. She always been timid and quiet. "Ok ok class get into your seats!" The teacher walked in and we all gathered into our seats. Sienna's was right behind mine so I leaned back and propped my feet on the desk to be closer to her as she played with my hair. "So this is you guy's last year of junior high! Many of you will be going to schools to try and become hero's!" "Tch. Most of these losers will end up becoming busted side kicks to wannabe hero's! I'm going to go to U.A. and become the number one hero! A hero even greater than all might himself!" I said proudly. "Ahh that's right. Bakugou you want to go to U.A. The prestigious highschool that specializes in creating great Hero's. Midoriya. Don't you want to go there too?" I snapped my hand towards that damn Deku to see he was hiding his face in his arm. I'm gonna teach that damn nerd a lesson. After the bell rang out for class everyone exited the room expect for me and my group and that damn Deku. I grabbed his hero journal. "You should give up trying to be a hero. No Quirkless loser will ever make it into U.A. Your just a dumbass nerd that will never be a hero!" I burned his book and threw it out the window. He ran to the window and looked out of it. I grabbed him by the shoulder heating up my hand making smoke. "If you really want to become a hero. I suggest to hope for a quirk in the next life. Go take a swan dive off the roof of the building you damn Deku." I pushed him to the ground and walked out the classroom.

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