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When we pulled in I looked up at the wall of the fallen as we call it and saw Ember. We were on a call last August and she was mistaken for a dog that attacked a guy and he shot her and she died instantly. I walked upstairs and we haven't moved her dog bed or her food bowl that was a hard day.
" you ok "
Hen said as she waved her hand in front of my face
" oh yeah just missing her "
" yeah ... do you think you'll ever get another "
" she can't be replaced I mean we went through so much together "
" yeah I get it "
" ok should we play a round of fuse ball "
" you're on "
Somehow we didn't get another call till I was walking out. When I got home it was 5 I set my stuff down and Jake was on the couch I sat down next to him and said
" hey don't let what that guy did make you feel bad about who you are ok I love you and so does your dad ok and nothing will or ever could possibly change that "
He hugged me and started to cry I looked up at Buck and gave him the look of I'll tell you later.

Bucks pov
She walked in and flopped onto the bed and I laughed
" what it was a long day "
She sat up and continued
" I hope this doesn't make him scared to be himself to be happy and on his birthday "
" what happened "
" the guy I was talking to I don't know if you saw him but he was behind them and I guess Jake and Axel were holding hands and the man decided that setting their chairs on fire was the best idea "
I sat down on the bed and I could see the anger in her eyes and then she said
" you best believe I hit the punching bag hard "
She kinda rubbed her knuckles I grabbed her hands and kissed them
" It was just a hard day I think I looked at Embers bed for 20 minutes before Bobby step in front of it and said his usual line "
" you alright kid "
She smiled and said
" Yeah and I don't know what if we did get another dog I mean none of them can replace Ember but "
" well how about we go look tomorrow ... anniversary present "
I joked and she smiled
" yeah "
I gave her a kiss and then we went to bed.

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