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We were walking down a row of cages holding hands looking at the cute dogs we turned the corner and she stopped and we were looking at a black and brown dog with blue eyes. She let go of my hand and stepped forward and the room fell silent I hadn't relished the dog was the one making the others bark
" sit "
She said softly and the dog did she crouched down and looked it in the eye and it then laid down
" would you like to go in "
A woman said who worked there and then she unlocked the cage and let Ruby in. The woman pulled out the paper and said
" she was a stray but we believe she was abused umm she's been kept in the back with the others that are a little more tough and we decided to test it today "
" what's her name "
I said and then Ruby said
" Artemis ... the moon goddess "
She looked up and the woman smiled and Rudy said
" she found a home "
" ok well I'll go get the paperwork started "
" perfect "
She got out and we started to walk away and she started to whine Ruby turned and put her finger to her lips and Artemis stopped just like she did with Ember.

We sat down and after a few minutes the woman said
" ok so she's rightfully a year and she's a German Shepard mix with something but we don't know what "
" ok "
Ruby said and after a few signatures and a card swipe, we went back and told her she was coming home. When we got in she did what ember would do we just looked at each other and then went home. As soon as I opened the door she barged through and went to the dog bed which was back in a corner in the dining room so it wasn't out in the open and then a tear ran down her face and she said
" what if sense her life was shortened what if what if she got to come back to us to me " I mean "
Artemis started to whine at Jakes door and we just looked at each other
" he's at his friends' tonight "
She looked at us then came in and got on the bed. I turned off the light and got in bed and she said
" so do you think it's true "
" yes "
I kissed her.

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