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4:30 rolled around
" ok who wants to help make dinner "
I was surprised when three of them came in
" ok well victor wash this umm ty and Bow you can help me with this "
After an hour finally, we had food ready and we set the table and it was nice and I could feel the change in their attitude. I packed my bag and checked out then got a ride to the station and I put my bags buy the door. I knocked on the door for the office
" oh please a Ruby come in "
" So how would you say I did "
" amazing better then I could have ever done "
I smiled and so did he then he said
" well I think the guys are going to miss you "
" yeah "
I laughed and then the bell went off
" wanna come "
" yeah "
It was a simple false alarm at a school. When we got back it was three hours before my flight I walked to the common area and said
" well it's time "
" no "
Ty said and they all started to act like little kids
" ok ok guys come on give me a hug then I have to get going "
We were in one big group hug
" ok ok I really have to go now "
When I finally got to the airport I sent a text to Buck
' ok that was sad they all didn't want me to leave but anyways I'm at the airport now '
' yeah well I didn't want you to leave either but it sounds like you really helped them '
I got some food and as I was getting my change back my phone buzzed again
' where are you going now '
' oh please I know you have the list on your phone '
' yeah you got me I have to go '
' ok love you "
' love you '
I put my phone in my bag.

When I landed I was in Montana in a bigger city. I walked out and there was a car for me to take me to a smaller town and to a hotel. When I checked in I found out there was a pool and I didn't have to do anything today so I went down and spent like the whole day out there it was half inside and half outside. When I got up I called Buck
" hey "
" hi "
" what's up "
" Did I catch you at a bad time "
" no "
" ok I was ... I just wanted to hear your voice "
I laughed a little at how stupid I sounded
" I miss you "
He said
" I miss you too"
I looked at the time
" ok I know I'm the one who called you but I have to go I need to be to the station by one and it's 12:15 "
" ok go knock some sense into them "
" love you "
" love you "
He hung up and I got a ride to the station. It was one level so it wasn't hard finding where the office was.

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