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The entire day I was on autopilot almost the entire time and when I was finally heading home the light changed faster then I thought it would and I was hit on the passenger side.
" Buck .... Buck "
I opened my eyes and I saw her and all she said was
" it's not your time my love "
She kissed me on the forehead and it felt like I was falling and then I heard the sirens and I was in the back of the ambulance and they were moving fast and I said
" what "
" sir just try not to move ok "
" what's wrong "
I looked down and the guy said
" you hit your head ok how far "
" 8 out "
The driver said and I just let him do his job.

I woke up and I was in a hospital room and a nurse ran out quickly then the doctor came in
" Hello Mr. Buckley "
" hi "
" do you know what happened "
" no, not really "
" well you were in an accident and it's truly a miracle that you're here with the injuries you have "
" and that is "
" you just hit your head on the steering wheel and cut up your arm your bicep from where the glass broke you sir have one hell of a garden angel "
" yeah I do don't I "
He started to walk away
" I think it's my wife she passed a while back "
" I'm sorry but she saved you "
I was able to go home later that day and then I got convinced Eddie to take me to see my car and it was totaled and I rolled it but it somehow didn't crush the front like in most jeep rollovers
" wow man "
I walked over and looked in at the time for some reason and it said 21:43 and I smiled
" thank you, my love "
I said and then walked back over to Eddie and he took me home and when I walked in there was jake and he said
" aunt Maddie made an amazing cake for me and it was fun are you ok "
" oh yeah just a small accident is all you mom would be proud of you ya know "
" yeah I know she's still with us "
He quickly gave me a hug and it was strange it was just like when I met Ruby I knew it was all going to be ok. It was going to be ok not because I had to fake it but because she showed me the way to live in every moment of sun and rain and to love in any condition it presents itself. Though it was just the two of us and Artemis thank god Jake can't sleep without her I could feel the three of us all in an embrace and he said
" I love you dad "
" I love you too Jake now did you bring me some of that cake "
He looked at me and smiled and went over to the fridge and I looked at the little display I made for her awards then looked at our family photo
" dad you coming "
" yeah "

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