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It was a blur the next few days till I had to do my stand questions. And before I knew it I had a week left before I'd be home and I was in a car that was taking me to Austin Texas. The entire was I was trying to think of what this house could possibly have if they want me there for a week my phone started to ring and it pulled me back to reality
" hello "
" hey so are you there yet "
" no, and I don't know what station it is ... god I'm so tired I miss you two so much I can't wait till I get home "
" that reminds me Eddie said he can watch him for that night "
" God I love you "
" I love you well what "
He was cut off by the bell going off
" go on superman "
He laughed and then hung up and I looked up and I released where I was. The driver turned and sure enough, there was 126 on the building. The man stopped
" how much "
" oh it was pre pained darling "
" oh well here "
I gave him a 20 and got out and as his car left I stepped in and I looked at the pictures of the fallen and I saw Buttercups picture. I walked in a bit more then Mateo said
" hey LAFD "
I looked up and he was cleaning the top of the truck soon everyone that I knew was giving me a big group hug
" ok ok guys I need to go talk to cap "
I went upstairs and knocked on the door
" oh Ruby "
He said and he gave me a hug and then gestured for me to take a seat and I did. He sat back down and I said
" ok either this is my homesickness talking or not but why am I here I mean you guys are good in everything I'm supposed to help with "
He had a small smile on his face
" did you help those other houses "
" yeah some were more stubborn than others but you know "
" yeah "
" Owen why am I here "
His smile grew and he said
" well I'm going on a trip this week and I needed someone to stand in for me and well you didn't hear it from me but ... "
His smile turned to a smirk
" what is it "
" They were looking at making you a captain "
" that's that doesn't make sense I mean there are so many other people with more years and and "
" Ruby this week I for them to see if it would work "
" I I don't know what to say "
" well you have to say yes I mean it's non-refundable tickets "
He got up and walked out of the office and after it set in I quickly followed him and we said
" Everyone I'm going on a trip "
" When you leaving "
Jud said
" in a little bit and Ruby will be the stand-in for me "
" how long cap "
Mateo said
" I'll be back Friday "
No one spoke and they just looked at one another
" ok well good luck and have fun "
We walked out and then his truck drove away and we all watched. I turned back to them and said
" trust me I didn't know this was going to happen "
I was cut off when the bell sounded and I gave them information about the house fire and the entire time I felt like I was stumbling over my words and telling them the wrong thing. When we were heading back Jud said
" hey you did good "
" you sure "
They all agreed and I started to feel better about this and I could tell we were all on the same page since I was just told this is what I would be doing for a week. I was sitting in the office trying to figure out the paperwork that he left a note on how to do it. I was zoned out with an earbud in when someone opened the door
" hey cap I know you're not going to "
He stopped when he saw me
" you're not cap is he ok "
I took out my earbud and said
" yeah he's on vacation and I'm guessing you're the one that keeps changing his times"
" yes don't get me wrong ma,am but you don't look old enough to be a captain "
" tell me about it please sit "
" I need to move it back to the original time "
I looked at the desk calendar and saw a name crossed off over and over I grabbed a pen and moved it back
" Thanks for understanding cap "
He said a little questioningly
" umm no problem Seth "

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