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When we got there there were a bunch of squad cars. We were all talking and another house showed up and we decided we needed someone to talk to them to find out why they were doing this
" ok let's face it we're not the best at talking to people "
One of the officers said and the other house said
" our best talker is out today "
" it would take to long to get a negotiator here right "
A guy from the other house said
The entire time they were still shooting
" I'll do it "
Buck looked at me and his eyes were instantly red
" no No NO "
" Buck "
" no no you're not going in there "
" Evan Buckley you look at me "
He did and I said
" This is the best option we have ok I love you ok I know what I'm doing ok "
" But you can't save everyone "
His voice kinda broke
" But I can try right "
He pulled me in and kissed me and then we just hugged for a minute.
" ok now I need to go save our boy, my love "
I smiled and walked over to the cop cars so they could get me all set up to go in. I walked up the few steps and then opened the door and looked back and gave buck a smile and went in. When the door closed the guy turned and I put my hands up
" Hey hey it's ok "
" who the fuck are you "
" I'm Ruby "
" it's not going to work "
" what's not going to work "
" this this fake concern this fake connection I've heard it all before "
" from who "
" everyone "
" Hey um do you have any siblings "
" a little sister "
" I bet she drives you nuts right I know I drove my older brothers crazy "
" yeah "
" oh hey did you see that umm what was it oh yeah the new halo that came out my son won't stop talking about it "
" what are you doing "
" hum "
I looked at him like I was confused
" you don't trust me do you "
" no, I do with my life "
" then why don't you take that vest off "
Oh god
" ok "
A shot rang out as I started to move
" there's more than one of you "
" yeah there's three of us "
I set the vest down
" hey can I meet them "
" turn around ... start waking "
I felt the gun touch my back lightly
" hey so you didn't tell me your name "
" Kevin "
" Hey what kind of music do you like I love rock "
" well I "
I cut him off by turning and getting the gun from him and said
" now Kevin you're going to walk back to the door and go out with your hands up ok I can tell you don't really want to hurt them "
He started to cry then he went and did what I said and then I started to walk and found my way to the science rooms and a door was unlocked so I went in and just as I was about to leave another guy came in
" oh hello "
He ran at me and I moved his gun away from me and towards the ceiling and it went off and in the next room, a girl screamed. He was strong so my only option was to head but him and he stumbled back and then I punched him and he was out. I went into the strange closet that connected the rooms and found some rope and then tied him to the bolted-down table in there. I went out and then wrote on the board
' # 2 is in there don't forget him '
I went out and wandered around and two shots ran out at the same time I saw that they shot the kid and he shot me. I looked down and he got me in the chest on the other side then my heart
" good shot "
I said and they fell to the ground and it was getting harder and harder to breathe. I couldn't stop thinking about Buck and Jake before I knew it was in the back of an ambulance I wanted to say ' make sure Buck looks at my phone ' but it came out as
" look ... Buck ... Phone "
And then everything started to fade away to black.

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