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I double hit the home button and found that voice memos were also up and it said
I hit play
" Hey umm I'm sorry if you hear this my love but here goes nothing ... just remember I love you "
" Hey buddy just remember that I love you no matter what "
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" Just a little friendly reminder to celebrate every tinny victory "

I was asleep on the couch and then someone was shaking me. I opened my eyes and there was Eddie
" hey do you want to go pick up the boys and stay at my house tonight "
" yeah "
I got up and we left.
When we got Jake and Christopher Jake said
" where's mom "
" umm Jake a "
" no "
He said and he started to cry
" Eddie pull over "
" I can't I'm on the freeway "
" Eddie now "
He got off on an exit and as soon as he stopped I jumped out and went to his door and hugged him and we broke down. I got in the back and he started to drive again and I just healed him. When we pulled up to Eddies he said
" what happened "
" I don't know she went in to save you guys "
" she didn't have to she "
" hey she did it on her own don't you blame yourself you know how she is "
" Yeah she's a superhero "
I pulled him into a hug again and we walked in and started to silently make dinner.
My dreams were filled with her and all the good times.

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