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When I walked in the next morning a new guy gave me a sideways look
" good morning to you to "
I walked up to the office
" come in "
" hey so what do you want me to do today "
" well what else are you supposed to do I mean what do you think needs to change "
" well for starters they formed groups like in school and that's not good it doesn't promote good communication or respect "
" ok so do that "
" ok "
I walked out and back down to the common area
" what's LAFD doing here "
The new guy said
" Just seeing if the roomers are true "
" I'm Jackson Pit "
He put out his hand and I shook it and said
" Ruby Buckley let me guess you're in your late twenties "
He looked surprised
" yeah umm I'm 26 "
" that's how old I was when I started how long have you been here "
" it will be 3 years in December what about you "
" 5 and some change "
A guy spit his water back into his glass
" you're what 32 "
" ouch I'm 31 but I bet I can bench more them your twig 22-year-old but "
" you're on "
We went over to the small set up and he beat me but soon it became a friendly contest to see who could do more.

When the bell went off I stayed behind and they were all talking to each other more when they got in. After an hour and a half, they came back and I was called to the captains' office
" yes "
" What did you do "
" I'm sorry I don't follow "
" they got along and talked the entire time what did you do "
" found a common interest strength and they had a small contest to see who could lift the most and then they went from there "
" you are amazing before you came I couldn't get Sam to talk to Seth and Seth to stop talking to TY "
" if I may "
" go on "
" have a meal with them every night not pizza or whatever else take turns making dinner I mean you find out a lot from the extended family when you get together and sit together at a table "
" you're right "
" well shall we start making some list "
" for what "
" food the fridge just has water and what I think is a sandwich "
" yeah ok "

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