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I knocked and he said
" I swear if you change the days one more time I'll "
He stopped when he opened
" oh hi miss I thought you were someone else "
" someone who keeps changing there vacation dates I'm guessing "
" yes please come in whats you're name I'm sorry "
" Ruby Buckley "
" oh ... I thought we were getting "
He stopped himself and I said
" so you know why I'm here right "
" yes to help us "
The way he said it he made it sound like I was a joke but I continued
" yes sir umm could I meet the crew "
" sure "
It's a small house because it's out in the country and they have there common area and kitchen in one
" men this is Ruby and she's going to be helping us with our jump numbers "
They just looked at me and I said
" look you don't have to like me I'll only be here for two days "
" grate "
A guy I'm the back said
" Ummm ok well how about you all tell her your names "
The rest of the day I kinda just watched them to see how they acted and then they got a call
" what is it cap "
" We got a man on top of his barn "
When we got there I watched and they more pulled the guy off the roof then talked to him. They did make dinner when we got back so I knew they had the teamwork down it's just communication they lack. When I got back to my room I took out my phone and sent Buck a voice memo
" hey ... I know it's late there I just got back to the hotel and this one god they manhandle everything ok well good night and have a good day tomorrow my love "
I hit send then sent Jake a gif of a cartoon bare giving a hug then sent him a voice memo that said I love you.

" hey can I have everyone's attention "
They looked at me unimpressed
" ok well I have a question be honest ... do you think I have any idea what I'm talking about "
They shook there heads no
" oh well I get it ok let's do a little something ok I want you to stand if you've ever fought for this country ... ok sit stand if you have ate married and or kids ... ok now be honest don't think you have to be a man right now have you ever been up there looking over the edge and someone has talked you back down and got you here "
Two of them were standing
" ok well you can sit ... I get it you're probably looking at me thinking this girl is crazy if she thinks she can tell us what to do right be honest "
Some of them nodded
" ok well did you notice I didn't sit now it's not because I don't have a chair it's because all those things apply to me now the point of this is to make you think about the things you didn't know about your fellow man so how does this apply we'll ask them about them selfs and use words like we as us there brain will see it's not alone "
My phone buzzed and it was a message from Avery and it was from there latest call for a jumper and the text said thank you
" hey do you guys have a tv I can cast this to "
I got it set up and hit play and we watched as two people got a woman down and we could hear what he was saying and when it ended I said
" if you can't take it from me take it from them you saw how she changed when she didn't feel like an outsider anymore she connected with them this is what you guys are missing I mean yesterday you guys latterly pulled the guy off the roof like there was a fire under his feet "

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