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My phone started to ring and it was a FaceTime from Jake
" hey "
" hi mom "
" what's up "
" I miss you "
" yeah I miss you too"
" how's it going "
" good you know how hard-headed some people can be "
" maybe to much smoke got through "
He pretended like he was choking on smoke and I laughed
" yeah maybe "
" it's all good you are wonder woman after all "
" yeah I don't know about that "
" oh please you fight bad guys you save kids you save the day you saved me "
I head someone fall and swear
" hey I'm sorry I have to go love you "
" wait did you pick a recipe "
" no umm "
I thought about what order they were in and I thought of Bucks favorite
" ok the fifth from the front ok now I have to go "
" love you "
" bye "
We said at the same time and then I hung up and ran upstairs and a guy was holding his leg and a guy with bleach-blond hair said
" I'm sorry Dave we have to take you "
" fine can I come back "
" no "
" cap "
" fine you can be man behind the rest of your shift ... Ruby will fill in for you "
He looked at me and then said
" a girl "
Avery looked at me
" how many awards is it now "
" oh two for valor one for gallantry one firefighter of the year, oh and a Purple Heart from the army if we're getting technical "
They just looked at me
" I think she'll do just fine "
He said and they took Dave to the hospital a little while after they left the bell rang
" time to shine Ruby we got a jumper "
We got in and I said
" ok what we got "
" it's a kid about 15 "
" hard age ok where is he "
" on the top of an apartment complex "
" how high "
" three stories "
" ok "
The rest of the drive was silent. When we pulled up he said
" ok what do we do "
I looked and picked out the two that looked the most scared
" ok umm Kin and um a Seth let's go "
They looked nervous but they followed and we made our way to the roof
" ok stay back a little and don't make any sudden moves ok "
They nodded
" oh and don't show that you're scared "
I opened the door and he looked back and I put my hands up
" hey is ok can I umm come a little closer "
He nodded and I did
" that that's close enough "
I was about 6 feet from him
" ok fair enough what's your name "
" Luke "
" Luke I'm Ruby do you want to tell me what's got us up here "
He looked down and I was able to see he was looking at a woman
" is that your mom "
He nodded and I slowly made the distance four feet
" what happened "
" she yelled at me for for what I can't help "
" ok can you tell me "
He looked and me and said
" I'm not a boy "
He started to cry and he looked back down at the woman
" she didn't take it well did she "
" n-no "
" well you know what my son he's 14 he's gay and it was confusing for all of us at first but you know what "
" what "
" We made it through "
" and you love him still "
" oh yes and you know what I know she still loves you trust me I'm a mom "
He smiled a little
" now how about we go down and we can talk about what needs to happen next ok "
I put out my hand and he took it and we went down. When we came out he said
" you have really pretty hair "
" thank you "
" I wish mine was that long "
" oh you'll have long beautiful hair trust me "

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