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Hens pov
He moved the magnet back and then he kissed his fingers then touched it then went down to work out
" I didn't know "
" I know but if you don't know how things work ask and just tread lightly with him "
" What is he going to fight me or something "
I heard Christopher call bucks name and we both looked over and there was jake too. Buck gave him a hug
" are they both there's "
" no Christopher there is eddies and Jake is Bucks "
" How old is he "
" 14 "
He looked at me kinda funny
" umm they adopted him when he was 10 "
" 10 "
" yeah umm she was actually kidnaped with them and she saved herself him and three others Jakes parents died in an accident and well you can see what happened "
" what was her name I mean was it really Two point oh "
I laughed a little
" no umm her name was Ruby Brooklyn then they got married "
" how long were they married "
" 5 years and that was the happiest I've ever seen him "
We were by the rail and he put his hand on it and it shocked him
" you better be good sparky "

Bucks pov
We stayed at Maddie and chimneys for Christmas it was just too hard to be home and the months flew by somehow. We were dropping someone off at the hospital and I quickly ran it and touched the wall that had the mural it was just behind some doors and right when I got back outside I stopped
" you ok Buck "
Hen said
" it's almost our anniversary "
" oh "
I looked at her
" I'm sorry but we have to go "
" yeah yeah let's go "
When we got back it was like I was thrown back in time because I was hit with the overpowering memory of her

We pulled in still on a buzz from the call
" ok what do you mean "
" I mean that if you watch the birds for long enough one will poop on you and not me "
" what ok it was a kind of bird that I haven't seen before "
" so you just let it swoop me "
We both laughed
I was pulled to another moment
" Just tell me why you want a small wedding "
I followed her to the workbench
" because Buck my family is either dead or wishes I was and flights from Verona are too much right now and my family my true family is in the house right now and from what you've told me you're parents are to busy with themselves to pay attention to you "
She walked away with the things she needed to clean the truck but I followed
" but like don't you want a big wedding I thought all women had there dream "
" I did have a dream wedding Buck but then I was close to death and all the glamour and glittery objects didn't appeal to me all I need is the man I love and the people who love the both of us "
She got closer and gave me a quick kiss
" and pretty flowers won't hurt "
She smirked a little then started to clean

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