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The first of the mouth came and so did my first flight. Buck had a 24 house shift so I stopped by the station to say bye he gets off at 8 and my flight left at 5. When I landed I was in Nevada I looked at the list for the places and found the address and got a lift to the hotel then to the station. When I got there the doors were closed so I went in the door and a guy said
" oh you lost pretty thing "
I rolled my eyes and said
" where's your captain "
" in his office "
" Follow me "
Another guy said and we went up to the office and when he opened it the captain said
" oh Mrs. Buckley please "
" Buckley "
The guy said
" yep "
He walked away and I walked over to the desk I looked down and saw his nameplate and said
" captain North "
" please Avery "
" ok "
He smiled then said
" most people would make some comment about my name "
I shrugged a little
" ok well shall we go introduce you to the team how long are you here "
" oh umm two and a half days "
" grate shall we "
He opened the door and we walked out and down to the common area and he did the run of the mill introductions. After he said the last guys name the bell went off
" ok stay here it's a house fire and do whatever you need to "
" ok "
They left and I took a look around. After an hour finally, they came back and they went talking to one another about what they just did. When the captain finally walked over to me I said
" what happened "
" a teen was stuck on the roof and as soon as we got the ladder to extend he jumped off "
" ok "
I let them regroup for a bit and when the house was buzzing I said
" Hey ... hey you "
Some of them gave me sideways looks I took a deep breath and said
" ok LISTEN UP maggots "
All their heads snapped to look at me
" ok now that I have your attention I want you to focus on that feeling you had today and every other day they did take that step over feel the loss and the pain "
" yeah ok "
A guy said and they all laughed
" ok everyone I want you to stand you included captain if you have served in the army navy and so on "
About 26 of them and Avery stood up and the others clapped
" ok stay standing if you've been injured on the line "
About half sat down including Avery
" ok now with that injury you were probably with a group right ... stay up if you were the sole survivor "
They all sat
" ok ... now everyone stands if you yourself have been on the other side of the jumper call don't worry it's ok you're not weak "
Two of them stood and as I was going to talk two more stood
" ok you can sit ... how many of you are married or engaged "
Almost all of them stood and I smiled
" Fun isn't it "
They smiled back
" ok sit now you're probably asking yourself what does this have to do with anything and why is this girl making us get up and down right "
I smiled and laughed a little and so did they and I said
" well the questions I asked did you look at everyone that stood "
They all said yeah or nodded there heads and I said
" did you notice I stayed standing no probably not "
They all looked confused a little then intrigued
" see you look at those calls as by the book follow a script and you're probably monotone in doing so so they feel like you are yet another wall that they are yelling for help at and then they just let go "
On the tv, I mirrored my screen and showed them the video with the girls that I made thunk I was pregnant that someone recorded then put on Facebook
" ok so what did I do in this "
" show that you're pregnant do you have a kid "
" yes but he's adopted so what did I do beyond that "
" involved your self "
A guy in the back said and the one next to him said
" connected to them "
" yes get there name then give them yours don't make them feel alone use us or we instead of you make them see that you have the same problems "
They kinda looked at one another
" ok what would you do if I were up on an overpass sigh what would you ask me to try to get me down "
" what's got you up here pretty thing "
" no "
" what's got us up here "
" no too much uncertainty and question in your voice "
They rolled there eyes
" hi what's your name mines Ruby do you mind if I come down there so I can talk to you better thank you so what happened oh yeah I know how that is "
They looked annoyed
" ok fine whatever go back to whatever you were doing "
I walked away and stepped outside.

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