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When we were at the store with two carts full I looked at the four I brought with
" who's got the card "
Kin said And they all started to pat there pockets
" and that's why he didn't give it to you "
Jackson went down to the other end and started to put the bags back in the cart. After I swiped the woman said
" Hey wait aren't you Ruby Brooklyn "
" sorry "
" yeah the lady from LA that was kidnapped and saved those kids a few years ago "
" God that's so long ago it feels like a different life "
" yeah I bet "
She handed me the long receipt and I saw her name in her name tag
" well have a good day Savana "
She smiled and we went out and loaded up the car and the ride was a little quiet.
When we got back we were putting the food away right when I closed the cabinet the bell went off and I wanted to see what changed so I got to go with. Luckily they had gear that would fit me the entire way they were asking questions about the fire I guess they just needed an example. When we got there Avery told them what they needed to do. After a while, they had cleared the inside and when they got out some of the roof caved in I was looking and when they got closer I said
" where's Jackson "
They all had a look on their face that said it all
" ok you guys just sit Caption "
He nodded because he knew what I was asking
" Jackson come in "
I said as I ran to the door
" Jackson are you ok "
" Jackson Pit "
Finally, he responds with a groan
" I'm coming for you "
I said to my self and kissed my glove where my ring sat just below. He was stuck in a little corner because a beam fell from the ceiling and he was holding his leg a little I kicked the beam so it was on the floor fully
" ok come on let's get out of here "
He nodded
" it's getting a little hot "
He laughed a little
" ok on three were going to get up and I need you to try not to put pressure on that leg put it on me "
" ok "
We got up and he kept making sounds of pain
" we're almost there "
When we got out the pain became too much for him and he passed out so I was basically pulling him behind me. I let go of him when I was about halfway to the ambulance and he started to wake
" oh great timing bud "
The ride back was full of small stories about the call and things like that.

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