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It was a four-door truck and it was stuck in the back door and bed of the truck
" ok Paul Marjan make sure people are ok in there Jude TK with me Mateo call the vet for thanks "
A man came out of nowhere
" oh cash "
He was making noises and the bull was getting riled up
" Sir I need you to be quiet ok TK stay with him "
We walked over and I saw the branding on the bull and looked and saw where the fence was broke and then a field of cows with the same mark
" Hey boy you got yourself in a spot didn't you "
He bellowed and I could hear the pain
" oh I know I know "
I got a little closer and looked at Paul and Marjan and they gave me a thumbs-up as they pulled two people out and walked them away
" did they spook ya "
I turned and Mateo gave me a thumbs up
" ok boy you'll be ok just stay calm "
The woman screamed when she saw what happened to the truck
" Ma'am I need you to get back and not make any loud noises "
Eventually, the vet got there and was able to trank him so it was easier to get him out. Finally, he was free and he had broken a horn so I walked over to the owner
" he should be ok they said but he did break a horn "
" oh cash "
" Hey sir why did you name him that "
" his fill name is Johnny cash "
" ok say no more "
We loaded up and as we started to go Mateo said
" hey weren't you scared with red hair and all "
I looked at him and said
" you know they don't actually hate red "
" what "
" they don't like the movement of the cape that hides the sword and it's red to hide the blood and plus he was kept with other cows "
" ok how do you know so much about them "
Judd said
" what I had friends that lived on farms it about the only things that's the same in almost all the states "
" fair enough "
When we got back I went to the office and when I opened the door he said
" you can go you have an early flight I bet "
" yeah but umm could I stay till the end of the shift as a normal person not as captain "
" Sure that's what three more hours "
" yeah "
" ok "
I went down and we hung out and soon 7 rolled around and it was time to go
" well guys it was nice working with you this week and if you're ever in LA give me a call "
After a round of hugs, I went back to the hotel and went to bed because my flight leaves at 6 am.

The entire flight I kept thinking about this past month and what happened. When I landed I quickly got my bags and went to the pick-up area and there was Buck.

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