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We all went to the hospital a doctor came out and said
" are you her husband "
" yes "
" I'm sorry but there was nothing we could do "
He went on and said do many medical things and then I heard him say
" would you be ok if we still did the mural of her in the children's wing "
" what "
I looked at him and he said
" oh didn't you know she would come in and talk with the kids that have cancer and such "
" what "
" yeah she was always in her LAFD shirt "
" how what when "
" oh every Wednesday and Friday "
" God she was always saving people "
Eddie said and I could tell he didn't mean to say it
" umm yeah still do that "
A nurse came out with a bag and she said
" I'm so sorry "
And as soon as I grabbed it I broke down again. When we got back I just sat there and then the bell went off and right away Bobby said
" you're staying behind kid "
I nodded and juts stayed at the table looking at the bag. After what felt like hours I decided to open it and the first thing I grabbed was her phone. I hit it against my hand a couple of times then hit the home button and it was a nice solid yellow and in black it had four numbers 2143 and I tried them and the phone unlocked and it was on the notes app.

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