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When I got back in the truck they all were looking at me and I said
" I did what I told you all to do "
When we got back I was sitting at the table and I FaceTimed Buck
" hey "
" hey my love so how's it going "
" well so far I've called them maggots most definitely messed up one of there names umm said all the awards I have and went on a call with a jumper that was 15 and he was up there because he doesn't want to be a he instead she and her mom didn't take it well when she was told so "
" wow and it's just day one "
" tell me about it ... oh ok so I was looking and in Texas, I have two but I only got one house number "
He shrugged
" a surprise I guess "
He said and we both laughed we talked for a while about his day and then it was 4:30
" ok well I better go so you can make some food "
I was smiling and he went over to the counter and was what I picked
" you know I love this one "
" yes and don't burn the house down I don't think Cap wants to have to save you from your self again "
" Hey it was a contained fire "
" yeah contained in the massive yard because of the fence ok I really have to go my phones going to die "
" ok I love you "
" I love you "
I blew him a kiss and then hung up. I went to the kitchen and found a charger on the counter and then a pizza delivery guy walked in with 7 boxes
" what's this "
" dinner "
" ok so no one uses that nice kitchen to actually make food "
" no princess "
Harrison said
" what "
" just eat the dam pizza "
I rolled my eyes and decided it was enough for today
" Hey I'm going to head out "
" yeah you got in today didn't you "
" Yeah I'm beat "
" ok well "
" What time do you want me to come in tomorrow "
" oh umm about 10 "
" ok sounds good see you then captain "
When I got back to the hotel I went right to sleep.

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