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We got a call for a jumper and when we got there I sent Marjan and Jud up there and we watched as the man put one leg over to the edge
" this silent working "
" ok I'm on my way Marjan "
When I got up there they were to close
" guys step back a little ... hi what's your name "
" Dave "
" well Dave I'm Ruby this is Marjan and Jud do you want to tell us what's got us up here today "
" just all of it "
" life is hard I know we all are faced with challenges and we ask why why me but we work through them don't we "
" yeah "
He said and he put his leg back on this side and I continued
" We are not alone in this world there are people out there that have been through the same things and they'll help you you just need to ask "
He looked at me with bright red eyes
" help "
He said and I quickly walked over and he broke down and I had to hold him up. We made our way down and when we got back in the truck no one spoke.

I was surprised the next few days flew by and they were slow and it was now Friday and of course, we would get back to back calls. We had just gotten back from our second fire of the day and there was Owen
" God I never thought I'd be so happy to see you "
I said as they got out
" ok hit the showers, you guys "
They all said hi to him and he said
" can I talk to you in the office "
" yeah "
I let him go up first and when we got in there I closed the door and said
" How was the trip "
" it was nice "
He looked through the window down at the trucks
" couldn't stop thinking about them could you "
" no "
He said and sat down in the chair behind the desk
" How did you get a cut on your chin "
" oh a little kid and a broken-bat the other half was in his dad's leg "
He smiled and said
" glad I wasn't on that call "
A call came in and I said
" do you want to go or "
" oh it's still your day "
I smiled and went down and 15 minutes had passed do everyone was pretty much done or could easily get ready
" what is it cap "
Marjan said with a little smile
" well, we got a runaway bull that decided a truck looked like the best place to charge" we got loaded up and went out there.

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