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Ruby's pov
Over the next week, I trained Artemis
" so what do you think cap would say if I brought her today "
" I don't know but I have to go "
" ok see you in an hour "
He ran out the door and I got Jake up to go to his friend's house. When I pulled up to the station I put the leash on her but she stained right by me so when I got in there I undid it and said
" Buck "
She took off and soon I heard Buck laughing from upstairs. I looked over and saw Eddie
" cap "
He pointed at his office and I started to walk and said side and there she was. I knocked and after a moment he said for me to come in
" what's up "
" umm cap what would you say to "
I signaled for her to go by him. He looked at her for a second them back to me than her
" well what's her name "
" Artemis "
I closed the door and said
" ok I know you're probably about to yell at me but haven't you noticed how down we get on calls that Ember would normally come on "
" yes I have ... the question is is she as well trained "
" yes "
" ok why not "
" thank you "
He smiled and nodded a little. I went upstairs and said
" everyone meet Artemis... our new coworker "
Everyone got excited. About an hour later Bobby stoped out of his office
" Ruby can you come here "
I got up and told Artemis to stay with Buck and I went down to his office. I opened the door and he said
" you may want to close the door and have a seat for this one "
" ok "
I did what he said and just looked at him and finally, he said
" I just got off the phone and it seems they want you to go talk to some houses "
" I'm sorry but I don't think I follow "
"There are some houses around the US that aren't too good with jumpers and teamwork"
" am I being transferred "
" no no god no they just want you to go talk to them help them work somethings out "
" when and for how long where "
" ok ok they want you to go for a month and there's 8 "
" 8 "
" yeah two in Montana one in Alabama one in South Dakota one in Florida one in Nevada and two in Texas "
" Are you kidding "
" no now you don't have to do this if you don't want to Ruby "
" do I have a script to follow "
" no "
" ok "
" you'll do it "
" yeah "
" ok I'll call them back and let them know "
I walked out and when I got back up there I said to Buck
" well looks like I'm going on a month-long trip "
" what "
He quickly put the cap back on his water
" yeah cap said that since I'm so good with the jumpers they want me to go and talk to some houses that aren't so good at it "
" how many "
" 8 and there all over "
" When are you leaving "
" well it's almost the end of the month "
" three days "
" so I'm guessing then "
" oh "
" are you mad "
He smiled and put his hand on my hand and said
" no just don't let it go to you're head "
He tapped my head lightly and we laughed.

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