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Bucks pov
When she said she would do it my heart sank and my eyes started to burn
" no No NO "
" Buck "
She said and my vision was blurry
" no no you're not going in there "
I said and my voice cracked at the end I just feel like if she goes in there it won't go well
" Evan Buckley you look at me "
I looked at her after I blinked and she came back into view and she said
" This is the best option we have ok I love you ok I know what I'm doing ok "
It's like with every ok she said she was trying to convince the both of us
" But you can't save everyone "
" But I can try right "
She smiled and little and I pulled her into a kiss my salty tears stinging a little then I hugged her and I could feel her heartbeat and it was calm the complete opposite than mine
" ok now I need to go save our boy, my love "
She smiled and walked over to the cops and the entire time she was on her phone and then when she goes to the door she flashed me a smile and when the door closed. When the boy came out I was terrified and then I heard another shot a little while later and I knew she was still alive. Time dragged on with every shot I could feel my heart breaking even more. Then two shots pierced the air at the same time and over the police radios I heard
" all clear "
And they went in and they brought in gunnies. After a while, hen and chimney brought her out and she didn't look good and as much as I wanted to I couldn't move.

Hens pov
When we got in there she was on the floor and there was blood slowly spreading on the floor. We got her up on the stretcher
" why do you have to be so stubborn "
I said and I didn't expect a response but she said
" I'm Two point oh "
" Yeah that's right "
I said fighting back tears. When we got her in the back of the ambulance chimney was the driver and she said
" look ... Buck ... Phone "
" it's ok we got you "
I put the oxygen mask on her and after a second she pushed it off and said clearly
" it's ok Hen "
She nodded a little then her eyes closed and she went limp. Then I felt the ambulance start to move and the sirens were off.

Bucks pov
When they got her in the back I said
" come on Chim come on "
Nothing they didn't move
" please hen "
I said and I felt that my cheeks were completely covered in tears
" come o"
I was cut off by the quiet ambulance pulling away and I watched and the lights never went on. My lungs began to burn and my heart to race I stumbled back and before I knew it Bobby was holding me up and so was Eddie. We were in a big hug.

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