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Bucks pov
" a month that's gada be hard for you "
Eddie said
" yeah but we'll make it "
I put my bag over my shoulder and left. When I got home she FaceTimed me and the first day was fine. The second day it started to set in that she was not going to be home that night of the next for the next month. After the first week, it was like her clothes started to lose her scent. I got up at 5 because my shift starts at 6 so I grabbed a set of keys from the bowl and I somehow took her keys but I just smiled and got in and it was her in a car. When I pulled up Hen gave me a funny look
" what mine was having problems starting so I took hers "
" yeah you just miss her "
She gave me a little smile
" come on let's go "
We went in and Areo said
" God we get a new dog and then she can't come in for a month "
" well one she's being certified to be a fire dog and two she'll only come with and listen to Ruby "
" ok "
And then somehow the days flew by and it was finally the day that I could pick her up. I left the station without changing because I just wanted her home and I drove to the airport yelling at everyone that was one under the speed limit. I got to the pick-up area and after a few minutes there she was and I could see the massive smile on her face. I got out and ran over to her and hugged her and then kissed her which earned us some aws from people passing.
" ok we better go "

Ruby's pov
I walked in with my bag over my shoulder and smiled to myself as I looked around
" come on Artemis "
She walked next to me to the locker room and then sat by the door while I got changed. I opened the door
" ok let's go "
She ran up and went to the bed and when I got upstairs everyone gave me hugs and warm smiles
" wanna help me kid "
Bobby said from the kitchen and I helped him make breakfast.
We were putting things away when the bell went off and I stood there for a second and hen hit my arm lightly and I looked at her with a smile and said
" God I've missed this "
" come on "
She said and we all got in and we were on our way to the call which was a car accident. It didn't take very long and when we got back there was buck I ran over and hugged him.

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