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" hello "
" hi, Mr. Buckley this is Dr. Arthur "
" oh yeah hi "
" I know it's been two months but we are unveiling the meral Friday night and we would love it if you could attend "
A few moments of silence passed and he said
" hello "
" Sorry yes I will be there "
" ok it's at 6 "
" ok wee you then "
I hung up and said
" for you my love "
I looked down and Artemis was looking at me like she was saying sorry
" let's go tell the others "
Her tail started to wag she still comes with me every shift at first I wasn't going to but she listened to me like she did Ruby so I decided I would keep bringing her.

Two days passed and somehow we all went granted they did have the fire truck parked out front but still. The doctor stood in front of the white tarp
" Hello and thank you to everyone who was able to make it tonight this piece means so much to us all and hopefully it can bring joy and light to all who see it ... well without further ado I give you "
The tarp dropped
" 2143 "
It was Ruby smiling with a had out and she's in her uniform and there are hearts and bright colors all around and other things but all I can see is her. Hen said
" Hey what does 2143 stand for "
The doctor walked over and said
" it's an angel number meaning to stay positive and that you'll make it eventually and I guess 143 means I love you on a beeper and the 2 is the letter B ... Ruby chose that and that's what she told us to say if anyone asked what it means ... so Mr. Buckley do you approve "
" please Buck and yes I do "
I started to cry a little and he said
" she was the purest soul i've ever met she had the power to make people smile and feel better just by saying hello "
" yeah thank you "
He got called away and after a few moments we got a call and we had to leave. When we got back to the station I said
" I ... I think I can watch it now "
" buck you don't have to "
He said and I gave her a quick smile and pulled out my phone and went to the news website and found the broadcast from that day. I looked at her and said
" Have you seen it "
" no "
She sat down next to me and put her hand on my arm and I hit play and we watched as the woman said
" tonight we are following the ongoing investigation as to what lead three young boys to bring guns to school we have received reports of three deaths all teachers and multiple injured students and one death of a firefighter Ruby Buckley who went and saved them we aren't sure what took place inside the school we will keep you updated ... and now to Brian with the weather "
I paused the video they showed a video of the kids being rushed out to go name and then they had a picture of her up and then a clip of the ambulance driving away with the lights off. I looked at hen and her eyes were red
" I never told you but I did everything I could Buck but she said it was ok and then she "
She broke down and I hugged her
" it's ok Hen I know I know "
I pulled away and pulled up the notes she left I sent them to my phone so I'd always have them
" I think it's time you read this "
I went down to the 118 one and when she was done I said
" she wrote notes before she went in "
" shit "
Areo said and he was holding his hand
" what happened "
Hen said and then he looked up at her
" the microwave shocked me "
We started to laugh and he said
" what "
" nothing "
We turned back around and she said
" you know the first time I met her I could just feel the life coming off her and I could tell she was going to change everything for everyone ... she'll always have our backs she'll probably find a way to pull you out of a fire "
We laughed again and she continued
" you know you should let the rest of them read that I think it would help "
She got up and then the bell went off again.

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