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" hello ... Buck "
Suddenly the image of her faded and there was Bobby
" yeah sorry what "
" I was just asking if you wanted to get food after work are you ok "
" yeah umm I'm fine "
" did you hear back from the hospital "
" a no they said that the research could take a long time so I don't know when I'll umm "
" get her ashes "
" yeah "
I could feel the tears forming I'm my eyes I walked to the locker room. I sat down on the bench
" How can I keep doing this without you, my love "
I started to cry a little then the bell went off and I had to quickly pull myself together. When we got there it was a psychics shop and I guess she left a candle burning when she left. There was minimal damage and she said
" Ruby said that you've got this "
She tapped my shoulder and I just looked at her but I didn't think much of it because Rudy was on the news a lot with her saves and then she said
" she said to keep dancing in the rain "
That's when my heart stopped no one knew about that and I was at a loss for words and then I just walked away
" hey you ok "
Hen said when she found me outside
" yeah umm she just said something is all "
" ok you ready "
I nodded and we went back to the station.

A few days passed and then it was the day that would have marked 5 years and it was a 24-hour shift and of course, the first call was at 7 am and it was a jumper. When we got there Bobby looked at me and said
" can you handle it kid "
" yeah yeah I got this "
I went up to the roof of the house and when I got up there I kissed my ring that I still ware and then started
" hey mind telling me what's got us up here "
I said to the guy that looked to be about in his mid-20s
" life "
He laughed then took a drink of his beer
" yeah it's hard "
He looked at me and I said
" can I come closer to hear you better "
" sure "
I did and then he said
" I'm Jared "
" Buck "
" well Buck have you ever had a girlfriend cheat on you "
" yeah I have and it sucks "
He was swaying a little and I said
" you know it's her loss just think someone is out there thinking they found the one and she'll do the same thing to them "
He smiled
" shall we get down properly "
" yeah ... yeah "
When we got down hen and chimney took him to e checked out

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